Part 1

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a/n: Note:



Also, all italic openings are lyrics from the song Love Letter to Japan by The Bird and The Bee (video above).

Disclaimer?: I feel I should say that I don't claim to be an expert on anything Japanese (or being a prince, for that matter). This is all just fictitious fun set in an alternate CG reality with a Suzaku-focus, who is Japanese. So, uh, yeah...


Dearest one, I had a dream

I mouthed the words, the sound came out

I spoke to you in Japanese

Oh, my love I cannot see, I heard your name

I know at once the was no place I'd rather be

All at once, there was no place that I would rather be


Land of the Rising Son

Part 1

'I have a love~ly surprise for you at the villa!'

When Suzaku received that fairly cryptic message this morning, he wasn't sure what to expect – if only because of the sender. Clovis la Britannia might be the third prince of his home country, but he is an odd sort of gentleman. While he's always been nice to Suzaku he also has an ego as large as his homeland – which comprises of both the southern and northern areas of the continents – and often overflows with backhanded compliments. He isn't a malicious man but has been finely crafted by the luxurious and elitist hands of powerful aristocrats and modesty simply isn't a part of his design.

When he said little else other than to arrive at lunch time, Suzaku figured it was harmless enough – not that His Highness would really harm Suzaku... physically – and that he would only know the "surprise" at that time.

Suzaku doesn't mind surprises, anyhow.

Spontaneity is a fun part of living.

Fortunately, Suzaku is free of his own duties today so he is able to join Clovis – not that the other prince had asked if he is available...

When he arrives at the wide, two-story mansion sprawled over gravel studded with topiaries, there's nothing out of the ordinary within sight just yet. Suzaku steps into the ripe summer sunlight when an attendant opens the car door for him. The sleek black vehicle is a stark standout from the traditional Britannian aesthetic of whites and creams coating the villa. Pops of colour are along the circular driveway and in the trim bushes bordering the house with blooming flowers – always blooming no matter the weather. The variety changes, to suit the season, but the Lady of the house is responsible for that much in regards to gardening this place even when she isn't staying. The light, floral scent spins in his nose with a light breeze as he walks to the door with his escorts in tow—

When the double-doors suddenly burst open and a rainbow flood of balloons is unleashed into Suzaku's face before they float up to the sky as if fleeing the flamboyant man behind them. Prince Clovis stands at the entry with outstretched arms and shinning smile that isn't nearly as bright as the custom kimono draped around him. Suzaku does his best to suppress a sigh at the flaming lions – literally, their manes are made of fire – printed on the sky blue robes, aware that it's just this... eccentric prince's way of celebrating... something.

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