Part 2 Vados

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Y/N: Hey (N/Y), you in here.

She quickly stood up and raised her fist.

(N/N): What you want? (N/Y) can fight.

You hold your hands up in surrender.

Y/N: Woah there. Im not gonna hurt ya. I just want to let you know Im not here to harm you. Whoever I was back then Im not that guy, he's gone and never coming back. Can you forgive me?

N/N: No! You big meanie!!

Y/N: Come on please.

N/Y: Poopybutt!!

Y/N: Okay, now you're just being hurtful.

She stuck her tongue at you.

Y/N: (sigh). Well. I guess you don't want this then.

You pulled out your trump card.

You pulled out your trump card

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N/Y: Whats that?

Y/N: Heaven.

You tossed it to her. Once she took a bite she instantly fell in love with it. She felt like she knew the meaning of life.

N/N: (N/Y) forgives you~

Y/N: That was way too easy.

You knelt down and pat her on the head. You had to admit she was adorable. If you look past the pink skin and the tendrils she kind of looks like you.

Y/N: I know you get lonely being in this place by yourself, how about you come and live with me.

N/Y: Yes! Its lame here, and the tubby kitty scares me.

Y/N: Tubby kitty?

???: WHAT!!! WHERE IS HE!!??

Then suddenly a round figure bust through The door. It was Champa. He was breathing heavily, and look at you.

Y/N: So is this the tubby kitty you was talking about.

N/Y: Yep.

You walked to the purple feline.

Y/N: Hello. Are you by any chance Champa the destroyer?

Champa: Yes. And you must be (Y/N) the earthling.

Y/N: Yes. I must say Its an honor to meet you.

You bowed to him.

Y/N's mind: Man he is so damn fat, he looks way different than how I pictured him.

Vados: Please don't boast his ego anymore than it is now.

Champa: Shut up. Anyways Vados tells me your a human. Is it true?

Y/N: Yes.

Champa: T..Than that means you know how to make those tasty foods your kind makes.

He mouth started watering.

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