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"It's been a while, Sasuke," Itachi said cooly.

He was still facing Naruto, who was frozen, unable to bring himself to move from the hotel room.

"Big Brother..."

Even if it was miniscule, Itachi's eyes widened. Big Brother...

How he had longed to hear his dear little brother say that again. He thought he never would. He had resigned himself to his fate.

Sasuke can't love me. I killed everyone he did love. I'm the villain now. Sasuke's the hero. He won't call me Big Brother anymore. It's for the best.

Yet here he was.

When he stayed silent, Sasuke continued. "Yeah, it's been a while."

Kisame turned. "Big Brother? Now that I look at him, he does look like you. Itachi, is that true?" Itachi could practically hear the curious mirth in his voice.

Itachi closed his eyes. "He is me younger brother."

Naruto's eyes widened in realization.

"Really?" Kisame asked with raised eyebrows. "I heard that the entire Uchiha Clan was wiped you."

Itachi finally turned and faced his brother. He hesitated (though not visibly) when Sasuke just stared at him. There was no hate or anger in his gaze. In fact, if you looked close enough, there was sadness and regret.

Why...why is there that look in his eye? After everything I did...

...why is all that sadness and regret in his eyes for me?

But, as fast as it was there, it was gone. His expression was as blank as Itachi's. And as blank as their father's.

Itachi inwardly winced at how much, in that moment, Sasuke looked like him. That's when he noticed the dark circles under his eyes. The same dark circles their father had acquired from nights staying up late to finish paperwork.

Yes, those eyes were their father's. Everything else was definitely his mother's, though. The delicate facial structure, the soft hair, and nose...

Something twisted in his heart.


"Well then, Naruto and I'll be on our way." Sasuke walked forward to grab Naruto's arm and drag him away, but Itachi moved to stand in between them.

"Naruto will be coming with us," Itachi said calmly.

"Yeah, no," Sasuke said. "Besides, why would you want Naruto? He's the idiot of the class and can barely do anything." Sasuke paused. "Actually, I guess I can't say that he can't do anything, since he took out Suna's Jinchuuriki when he was transformed...that was actually really cool..."

"Sasuke, I appreciate the praise," Naruto stuttered from his place in the hotel room, "but this is not a good time-"

"Of course it's a good time," Sasuke said, waving his hand dismissively. "You look pretty down over there and everyone needs some encouragement every now and then."

"Sasuke..." That's when Naruto caught the look in Sasuke's eyes.

He's stalling! Naruto thought. I'm his best friend, how did I not notice until now?

"Sasuke," Naruto said again, "you're also really strong. You have a three-tomoe Sharingan already-" WHY DID I SAY THAT I JUST TOLD THE ENEMY SASUKE'S GREATEST STRENGTH I'M AN IDIOT! "-and you were Rookie of the Year."

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