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Selene Lockwood exhaled a hearty puff of smoke as she was mid way another cancer stick. In just two hours, she would be on yet another flight, back to her hometown of Mystic Falls. After a few months in a much needed stress reliever trip to Louisiana, in which she spent the whole time locked away, playing uno with distant cousins, Selene was ready to return home. In actuality, she wished she could stay in the Big Easy, but with an urgent SOS text from Caroline Forbes, Selene knew Mystic Falls needed her. But what she didn't understand was why?

In the past few months, Selene Lockwood's view of the world turned from black and white to full blown color. No more was the little girl who believed in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, now she was a raging werewolf fearful of looking at a vampire the wrong way and having to engage in even more predatory behavior.

Looking back on it, everything made sense. The anonymous animal attacks in the woods, the arrival of two equally hot Salvatore brothers, and even the reoccurring nightmares Selene found herself having of a brown haired beauty, who could be classified as the devil in disguise. Everything made sense, and now, she just wondered why she hadn't realized it sooner.

In one quick second, Selene was released from her thoughts when she felt a burning ash land on her thigh. With a sigh, Selene realized the time and grateful for her wealthy parents, boarded her first class flight. Home sweet Home.


"Oh my God! Selene Lockwood! Look at your hair, did it get darker?" Came the shrill voice of Mystic Falls' very own, Caroline Forbes.

Selene couldn't help but giggle, seeing as the whole airport stopped to look at the blonde beauty, and her pink, sparkly Welcome Home, Babe! sign. And next to Caroline stood Tyler Lockwood, who received a big, brotherly hug. It was a relief to see two familiar faces, and it was an even bigger relief for it to be her very own best-friend and older brother. However, they weren't the ones Selene was most excited for.

Standing quite a distance away, stood one of the earlier mentioned hot Salvatore brothers. There, Saint Stefan was, in all of his glory with no Elena in sight. "Steffy!" Selene cried, running over and engulfing her friend in a bear hug. "I missed you, buddy."

Selene could feel her heartbeat start to pick up, and she could clearly see the clench of Stefan's veiny hands. He let out a happy sigh, and whole heartedly hugged his friend back. "I missed you too, Sel. I missed you too."

Standing behind Selene was Caroline Forbes and the clearing of her obnoxious throat. Pulling a flushed Lockwood away from Stefan Salvatore, she let her shrill voice be heard once again. "Come on you two lovebirds, Elena and Bonnie are waiting at the Grill. And they have some serious explaining to do."

ASHES TO DUST ⟡ KOL MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now