chapter two, awake

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Mitches POV

it has been five days, and the girl was starting to regain awakenis(that is now a word O.O), I have stayed w/ her this whole time, she only had a broken leg, and she turned out to be incredibly flexible, so her limbs didn't break when she fell, I noticed her hand move, I turned to her, she slowly opened her eyes. "OK, someone tell me where the fudge I am and who are you!" she said, noticing I was in the room "OK, you where dropped from a balcony by your boyfriend, who is now in jail, so are your parents, kuz they abused u, I am Mitch-" I explained, before she cut me off "wait, Mitch, Mitch as in the bajencanadian!" she asked/shouted (I stopped right hear to update my SSundee app! LOL YOLO) "yes and I am adopting you." I said

Catherines POV

time skip after sign out

as I walked to Mitch's van me and him where talking "soooo, Catherine, tell me more about yourself, btw, nice sweater!" he said, "OK, I can do really good gymnastics, I used to go to karate, self defense, piano lessons and guitar oh and swimming!" I said, I had to giggle, his jaw was practically touching the ground,

time skip to ze house!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!¡!!!!!!¡!!! lolololololololo

as we where walking in to the house I stopped Mitch, "what?" he asked me "I made up a song, it is called the gummy bear alphabet, A,B,C,D,E,F,G, gummy bears are chasing me, one is red, one is blue, one is trying to steal my shoe, now I'm running for my life 'cause the red one has a knife!" I sang, Mitch cracked up, so did I, when I laughed he started at me "what?" I asked cunfuzzled he started cracking up "y-you laugh j-just like bodil, oh! that reminds me, marten aka bodil is staying at my apartment with me for a gaming convention downtown! than we are going back to LA so u can meat the rest of team crafted!!!!'' he said yay I can't wait to meat bodil! plus I can speak in Bulgarian! LOL, Mitch is going to be so confused!

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