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Flames... the flames of a cataclysmic event. Started a week ago, Teen super spies Sam, Alex and Clover were about to be sent on a mission to stop a destructive missile.

The war head's purpose, to level an entire state in mere weeks, problem was the information was too late. The entire state of California had been decimated. But not too badly, fortunately the actual war head had been removed from the missile.

But the damage was great, most of L.A. was totaled, but the worst possible event had happened. The same villain who had executed the missile before was about to send another one. Only this time it was headed to the Sun, in order to get all of the earth's people safe.

WOOHP has developed the world's first multiverse portal, since the WOOHP intelligence center hadn't even known the missile was already launched it was decided the world's population shall be transported to a safer dimension. At the moment Sam Clover and Alex were now sitting in the portal's holding facility.

"Jerry, is it ready yet?" Sam asked, "in a moment Sam, we've tested it several times. However as to which world we end up it will be a concern" the Brit replied. "I can't believe it, first it was our home, but now it's our whole world" Clover said somberly.

"Yeah, it's gonna be hard adjusting to a new world, we don't even know if we can even survive there" Alex added. "I'm sorry, but desperate times calls for the most desperate measures, the only thing we can do is to bare with the changes" Jerry said. He then went to a nearby computer and pulled up a picture of the girl's catsuits.

"Fortunately we have designed a new suit so you three can survive in said worlds. They can scan the DNA of any life form and mimic them for maximal survival" Jerry explained. The girls's spy suits them glowed, and after they appeared more sleek.

"With these you all and everyone else shall be able to survive in our new world if the conditions are unsuitable" Jerry explained.

Then a red light started flashing, "oh dear the missile was launched! Quick get everyone into..." Jerry was stammering when a WOOHP scientist came in. "Sir we've got a problem the missile that was launched into the sun, we've got another one heading straight for us" he said.

"Whoever did this doesn't want anyone to survive" Sam said heading to a nearby computer "quick where's the missile?" She asked. "It's just off the coast of L.A." the scientist answered, "shoot, maybe we can make it go off prematurely" Sam said trying to hack into the missile's computer.

That's when she heard Jerry yelp, turning to him they saw his twin brother Terry holding a blaster to his neck. "No one is deactivating any missiles" he said "back away from the computer, or my brother gets it" Terry ordered.

Sam did as said and moved away from the monitor while Alex and Clover stood up as well. Then all three held their hands over their heads, "now here what's going to happen, both missiles are going to strike, once that happens all life in this galaxy will die out. Which will cause a chain reaction destroying the rest of the universe along with it" Terry said, "Terry why're you doing this" Jerry demanded trying to get out of his twin's grip.

"You, WOOHP and all of the world ruined my life, especially you three spies" the villain answered. "If I can't have what I want, I'll make sure no one can" "Terry this is insane" Sam retorted.

"I'm aware, not that I care anymore, I'm going to blow this world sky high with everyone along with it" Terry said when Jerry elbowed him in the stomach. Then started fighting him "girls quick you have to activate the portal" Jerry said trying to get Terry's gun away.

Sam then rushed to the console and activated it, "Okay it's on..." she was cut off when the wall bursted...

The missile hit the building... the explosion was so great that it knocked the three towards the portal. 'This... this can't be happening!!" Alex thought as her life went before her eyes.

'We... we've failed' Clover thought, 'no no no!!'

"JERRY!!!" All three yelled before an even brighter light shined...

The sun had went, their world has now been destroyed...


They were then engulfed into the portal with no part of their world remaining...

The end had begun

But like the mythical Phoenix who shall rise from the ashes of defeat.

These three girls shall over come the destruction of their world and everything they knew.

And become the heroes of their new world, so that the deaths of their allies shall not be in vain. Jerry had known the missile would hit but he risked his life to make sure at least some part of this world made it through.

And now they have...

(Scene fades to black and a bright emerald flash radiates and in the center of our view, a familiar hour glass symbol appears).

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