The bet 2p America x Chubby Reader

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Readers POV

He gave you a pair of black shorts and a blood red shirt that had some black stripes on it.

“Why just why?”

“Well Allan (2p America) said he wanted t-to hang out with you today and s-so I was going to dress you in softball clothes b-because he said he was going to teach you how to play.”

“Oh poor Poland did he threatened wittle you.”

“Yes and its not funny. He already knows about the bet too so hurry up and get dressed (Name).” You put the clothes and thought you looked horrible. Since they were both athletic fit it showed your butt and thighs very well, which you didn’t like.

“Do I have to come out?”

“Yes you do (Name).”  When you walked out he took a picture of you.

“Show that to anyone and I will ask Allan to take care of some things.”

“-Gasp- I won’t I promise just go home.”


Time skip…

You decided to wait on your porch swing and enjoy the day until Al got there. “Hey babe.”

“Hey Allan how are you?”

“Fine now lets go play some baseball.”

Time Skip…

“I still can’t get it. Can you show me again?” He has showed you three times and you still can’t hit it right.

“Ok just stand how you would normally and I am going to fix you where you stand.” You stand like how you have all the times before while Al was inspecting you for mistakes in your form.

“Well first you need to fix this.” He moved your shoulders the right way.

“Then this.” He bent down and moved your feet into the right position while you were blushing up a storm.

“And lastly you are not low enough.” He stands behind you and pulls you down by your hips and starts grinding you.

“A-Al what are you doing.”

“Showing you how to play baseball babe,” he whispers huskily in your ear. “Now I think you are ready to hit the ball.” He walks over to the pitching spot and throws it at you. You get a home run and run all four bases while he gets the ball. “Good job babe I think that deserves an award.” Then he pulls you into a rough kiss and groups your butt at the same time. You moan slightly at his actions. “See all you needed was some motivation.” After he said that you shivered.

“Well thanks Allan for teaching me how to play baseball.”

“Its nothing but I think we should play it more often,” he said while winking at you.

“Y-Yea s-sure.”

“Hey (Name) you ARE my new girlfriend.” 

“But why would you want someone fat and ugly like me?”

“Your chubby, its fuck*ng adorable. I think you are beautiful and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. If they do tell me who they are and they won’t mess with you again.”

“Ok I love you Allan and I would love to be your girlfriend.”

“I love you too (Name).”

Hetalia x Chubby Reader The bet intro.Where stories live. Discover now