The Bet 2p S.Italy x Chubby Reader:

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Readers POV

You looked at what Poland gave you and actually liked it. Well at least I can wear this to Flavio new fashion store. He said that he was going to introduce me to it today when he called this morning. He said that I was going to be the first one to see it so I was excited. Wait did Poland hand me heels. T^T “Poland I am NOT wearing these heels!”

“Fine you can wear flats.” He slid some flats in and you slid the heels back out. “Now come on out I wanna see!” 

“Hold your horse Felix I am almost done.” A minute later you came out in it.

“You look good now leave I’ve heard you have a busy day.” With that he shoved you out of the house and slammed the door. Wait how did he know. You looked up from thinking and saw Flavio standing right in front of you. You screamed slightly, jumped back a little and then told him “Geez Flavio don’t scare me like that!”

“Well sorry (Name) I came here to pick you up and when I saw what you were wearing I wanted to get a closer look. By the way you look beautiful darling~!”

“Yeah, Yeah.” You mumbled and your chubby cheeks turning a light pink.

“Well let’s go shall we~?” Then he pulled you to his car and drove you there.

…Time Skip…

“Well that’s all of it!” He showed you the whole store. He even showed you where he tailors things in the back.

“This place is beautiful.” You gawked in awe.

“Not as beautiful as you dear~!”

“Ok quit calling me dear it makes me feel too special when I am not.”

“But (Naaammmee) you are special especially to me. I just love you so much. Especially those fine curves~!”

You blushed and looked down with embarrassment. “I love you too Flavio.”

“That’s great! Now my girlfriend would you try this on~.” He handed you a dress. You shrugged and went into the changing room. There wasn’t’ a mirror in there but what you didn’t notice was that Flavio decided to take a peak putting on the dress. *Cough* he looked the whole time *cough*.  He left and went to sit by the mirror pretending that he was there in the first place. “(Name) are you done yet?”

“Coming out right now!” You walked out and he smirked.

“You know you would look a lot better without that on.” You didn’t know what he was saying at first but then broke into a blush. You were about to say something when he crashed his lips on yours wait how did he get over here. You let out a gasp and he took advantage and turned it into a French kiss. “ My bella would you like to come to my house I can make lunch for us~.” You were thinking about it (Noooo it’s a trap.)( Flavio: Shut it she will be mine~) You were about to answer but your stomach did it for you and grumbled.

“I guess I would love to.”


Hetalia x Chubby Reader The bet intro.Where stories live. Discover now