How you met ;

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Jon Snow -
You and Sansa grew up together, always hanging around eachother. There was one problem in the relationship; you were a bastard.

One night during a feast, Lady Catelyn decided that you weren't to sit the the Starks any longer, making you sit at the end table with Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy and occasionally, Robb Stark. Yourself and Jon got along well, laughing and drinking wine or, in Jons case, ale.

Theon Greyjoy -
You were a stable-girl while he was living in the barn, you occasionally had a talk while Theon was laying down in the hay, you were taking the saddles and bridals off of the horses.

One night, Jon Snow was in the barns as well as Theon, you were taking the saddle off of Jons horse, Ryder. Theon and Jon were talking about a girl, Theon seemed to show heaps if intrest in this topic, and then Jon looks at you and winks. Theon blushes and smiles at you before looking away.

Jaime Lannister -
You were the eldest Targaryen left, Daenerys is your younger sister. Not knowing where she was or what she was doing, you left for Kings Landing to claim the Iron Throne.

Once you arrived, you were escorted to the Throne Room to meet Cersei Lannister, Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark. As you walked in to the room, your eyes immediately land on a handsome, buff, tall looking man. A Gold Cloak, a Kings Gaurd.

"I suspect you know who he is," Cersei smiles mischievously at you, glancing to the man. The man looks at Cersei disapprovingly. "That's my brother, Jaime Lannister. The Kingslayer." She mused, smiling at you. The man that killed your father, the man that tore the Seven Kingdoms apart, the man that helped steal your throne, the man that you thought was unremarkably handsome.

Robb Stark -
You were visiting Winterfell, at the age of 11 with your mother and your older sister, y/s/n. Your sister was to marry Ned Stark's oldest son, Robb. You were to marry a boy from the Iron Islands, a 'cunt' your sister says.

Although you were excited to meet the man you were to marry, you seemed intrigued by this 'Robb Stark' your sister spoke so greatly of. He seemed gentle and sweet, compared to Theon Greyjoy. As you step off the carriage, your feet hit the mud and you see a boy, around your sisters age staring at you.

"Wow," you hear the boy exhale. "She's beautiful." He smiles at you. "No way!" Called another boy, closer to your age. "That's my wife, not yours!" The first boy looked at your sister with a sigh. He looked... disappointed? that you weren't his bride.

Tyrion Lannister -
Your mother was Shae Sand, a whore that was given to Lord Tyrion as a gift. After she gave birth to you, she sent you away to Narth where you became a wealthy merchant, selling embroidery and clothing. One day, you becided that you want to meet Tyrion Lannister, the man that stole your mother away from you.

You asked around the city, wanting to know where you could find Tyrion Lannister. Then the answers flooded you, people giving you as much information as they could.

You boarded a boat and sailed to Dragonstone to meet him. Once you arrived, Tyrion looked at you in disbelief. "Who are you?" He asks you, looking you over, as if he's seen a ghost. "I am (y/n) Sand, daughter of Shae Sand, the whore you stole away. She left me because of you, she sent me far away in the hopes that i woyld never know the truth about who she was, or who you are." You say hatefully. Tyrion walks down the pavement, closer towards you. You step backwards as he gets to close. "You look exactly like your mother," he says, rubbing a hand on your arm. "I must be dreaming."

"No dreams here, half-man," you shover at his touch.

Yes, i know im bad at writing. Yes, im trying to make myself sound good. But honestly, the truth is; I've got a soft spot for Jon Snow. The qhole reason I'm writing at all is because of Kit/Jon. Kit Harington is probably the most akilled and talented actor i have ever seen. He knows how to express his feelings throigh facial expressions and he knkws the quickest way to a woman's heart. He also knows nothing... just thought I'd let you know, so you know something.

Kit Harington has influenced my life alot since i started watching Game of Thrones. He's usually quiet, making people not too sure about him. His Wife, Rose, is an amazing person, she is the luckiest girl in the world to be married to a man like Kit.

Anyway, I'll stop talking now. The next chapter/preference should be juicy ✌

Khloe Momoa 🌈

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