Chapter 2: The Prophecy

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The Prophecy

As we came to the edge of the town Rina and Blaze slowed to a stop.

"Would you mind getting off of our backs now?" Blaze asked over his shoulder, "We don't want to be seen being ridden like beasts of labor."

"Oh, sorry." I said, sliding off of his side and landing lightly on the ground, "We didn't mean to be a bother."

Cadence slid off of Rina and joined me next to Blaze, "So this is Maretown.

I would have thought horses would have lived someplace more, uh, rustic."

She looked over at Rina, "How do you build the structures without tools?"

She seemed a bit surprised by my sister's question, "Why with magic of course."

She must have heard my scoff of disbelief, "How else would you expect us to build our homes, with our teeth?"

"Sorry," I said between coughs as I tried to control my instinct to laugh, "but for a moment I thought you said magic.

There's no such thing."

Blaze and Rina looked at me like I had just sprouted wings, "What do you mean 'no such thing'?" Rina asked, "All horses have the gift of magic from birth.

Some are just more powerful than others."

She closed her eyes and when she opened them, they seemed to glow from within with the same blue as her irises.

Cadence and I watched in amazement as a rock next to her left front hoof lifted off the ground about four or five inches before crashing back to the dirt in a small puff of dust.

Cadence and I looked at her with matching looks of shock, and Rina seemed to become a bit uncomfortable under our gazes.

"What?" she asked, "Haven't you ever seen something like that before?"

We shook our heads, "Not without there being some trick behind the act." I said, "Magic where we are from is nothing more than misdirection and hidden tools.

True magic is no more than an old myth that has been proved wrong a hundred times over."

"And where are you from?" Blaze asked, taking a step forward, "You have not even told us your names since we met you."

"Oh how rude of us," Cadence said with a wave of her hand, "I'm Cadence Ironstead and this is my brother Tobias.

We got transported here through some kind of portal not far from the grove of trees we met you in."

"My friends call me Tobi," I said as Rina and Blaze looked from my sister to me and back again, "I'm sorry if we seem a bit confused by all of this, but where we come from horses can't speak and live on the open plains or are domesticated by humans."

I saw their flash of confusion at my words, "Domestication is when animals are taken under the care of humans and live with us in our lives, either for work or for companionship."

I left out the part of us keeping animals for food and hoped Cadence would be wise enough to keep her mouth shut for once.

I didn't know how Rina and Blaze would react to that kind of news, so I planned on not having them find out.

"If you are not from Cavalon," Blaze said thoughtfully, "Then Rina's assumption about you and the hero of legend being of the same people might be correct."

"Who is this great hero?" I asked, "Did he do something to help your people in the past?"

Rina and Blaze shared a knowing look, "We'll let the council decide if we should tell you."

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