Chapter 3: Our Journey Begins

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Our Journey Begins

While Blaze and I gathered food and supplies, Rina and Cadence looked up maps of the areas near the mountains.

We met up at the statue in Colt Square just as the sun was setting.

"Well we found out one thing," Rina said as we stood to one side of the pedestal, "No one has gone near the mountains for who know how long.

The only map we could find has to be a hundred years old and next to worthless."

"The thing had so many holes it looked like a piece of Swiss cheese." Cadence added, "Not to mention the markings had faded to almost becoming invisible."

"So we have no idea what we're walking into." I said sarcastically, "Just great, how are we s'pose to find a secret cave if we can't even find the mountain passes?"

"Either way we don't have much choice," Blaze said, "either we go to the mountains or we risk Calisto coming after us.

To me there isn't even an option.

Either we go or Maretown gets destroyed."

He looked at me, "Did we get everything?"

I nodded, "We should have everything." I pulled out our supplies, "We've got about a week's worth of food and healing supplies up to our ears." I leafed through the saddlebags, "I think we even have some herbs for defensive spells."

"Then we should be ready to go."

Rina said.

She looked at Cadence, "Do you feel up to leaving right now?

We can wait for morning if you feel the need."

She shook her head, "I'm ready to go now."

She looked at me, "Hey bro, do you still have your arrows?"

I shifted my shoulder to flip back the cover protecting the fletching, "Ready and itching to hit something."

I looked at Rina and Blaze, "If you don't mind, we'll have to ride you two if we're going to get anywhere by the end of this year.

I made myself promise not to get on you without permission, so I'm asking now."

Blaze took a step toward me, "Hop on Tobi, we'll show these girls how a true team rides."

Rina scoffed as Cadence climbed on her back, "As if you could keep your ego in check for more than two minutes."

Once Cadence and I were settled, Rina and Blaze turned towards the mountains, now barely more than a dark smudge on the horizon.

Blaze stomped his hoof once, "Well, no time like the present."

With that we galloped into the setting sun's light, quickly leaving Maretown behind as the grassland hills rolled in on every side.

"I hope we know what we're doing." I said to myself as we crested a hill and Maretown disappeared completely from view.

It was only when the last signs of the town had become lost did I realize that we never had the time to visit grandpa's tomb.

I just hoped we would be alive to visit it when we came back, if we came back.

We knew the trip across the Southern Plains would take at least three days before we got to the foothills below the mountains.

Because of that, Blaze and Rina set a mild pace so we could eat up the miles without getting worn out.

Rolling hills passed us by as the sun slowly set to our right, the last light turning the plains into an endless red and gold lake that rippled in the light breeze.

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