Chapter 4: Mountain Guardians

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Mountain Guardians

At first the hills before us were not much steeper than the rolling plains we had just come off of, but they soon gave way to narrow gullies and steep cliffs as we came ever closer to the looming pillars that made up the mountain range.

The night seemed to hold its breath as we stumbled up a thin trail, not a single sound to be heard save for Rina and Blaze's hoof beats on the rocks.

We moved slowly and carefully through the treacherous terrain, the rocks not seeming to be holding themselves in place by more than unstable balance.

It was almost like at any moment one of the giant boulders would come loose and smash us to bits.

Rina took several steps ahead of us as we came onto a narrow ledge overlooking a steep ravine.

The path wound along the side of the cliffs like a thin catwalk, only five feet wide in some parts.

I glanced over Blaze's shoulder and caught a glance at just how far down the cliffs went before ending in a thin blue line.

I imagined the line must be an entire river, but at this distance it looked no thicker than a human hair.

I looked across the gap and saw the other side was just as steep, the rock falling straight down on both sides for what must have been nearly three miles before converging at the edges of the water.

I shuddered to think of what would happen if we fell, and I unconsciously steered Blaze against the cliff rising on our left, trying to keep as much space between us and the drop as possible.

I looked back at Blaze to see if he minded my direction, but his mind seemed to be elsewhere.

I looked at where his gaze was directed and smiled to myself when I saw he was staring at the back of Rina's head.

I tapped him on the shoulder lightly to get his attention, "What's the story between you and Rina?" I asked in a whisper, trying not to have Rina overhear.

He shrugged under me, "Not much to tell."

He seemed to want to leave it at that, but I sensed there was something he wasn't telling me.

I leaned down and put my mouth right next to his ear, "I can tell there's something more than 'not much'.

You haven't taken your eyes off of her since we lost Cadence."

He sighed and whispered back, "Alright.

I'm worried about her.

You know how close you and I have become?" I nodded, "Well for Rina it was three times that.

She and Cadence bonded almost immediately, and so strongly that it was like they had been attached at the hip."

He glanced back at me, "To lose her must have felt like she had lost one of her legs."

I nodded, seeing his point, "That still doesn't answer my question.

I knew Rina and Cadence had a strong connection, but that doesn't explain your excessive worry over her."

I leaned to the side to look him in the eye, "Do you have feelings for her?"

He seemed a bit startled by the question, and his slight hesitation told me all that I needed to know.

He nodded after a moment of silence, "We've known each other since we were fouls, so we became the best of friends at a young age.

We never did anything without the other, but over time my feelings grew into something more."

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