Chapter 7

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I open my eyes slowly. For how long have I been asleep? 20 minutes? 30? Or even an hour? I try to listen to the noise around me. Music blasts from the stage. So the reherasal is still ongoing, that is good, it means has not been too long. The chatter of the two People, a few rows ahead of us, is gone as well.

My eyes finally start to adjust to the dimmed light. The more my sense wake up, the more I distinguish the Situation I am in. It is not that I just slept between the rows of the sitting area, no, thats not what makes my heart race faster. It is  the person, I spent my short napping time with.

Instead of laying on the cold, hard ground, there is Taehyung shielding me with his warm body temprature.  My mind is still not able to comprehend his and  mine surreal doings. While I have been asleep, Taehyung has placed his arms protecitvely around me, as if he does not want to let me go.

But why does he suddenly react this way? Does it mean he cares about me? How come? The thoughts in my mind rush fastly through it. If he really starts to show his soft and vulnerable side towards me, it is a lot more than I could have dreamed of. I just wish to cherrish this precious Moment in my heart.

The two of us finally make any progress right?

I watch Taehyungs chest, how it moves up and down to a slow rhythm. Just by watching him, makes my heart flutter. His eyes are closed. I assume, he is still asleep. How can a boy have such long eye lashes? I envy him of that. God surely gave it his all, when he created this human being. He might just have given Taehyung a little bit too much of arrogance and self confidence. But beside his bad habits, I would say he comes pretty close to perfect.

Jeez, do I even hear my self taking. I sound like a weirdo.

My glace moves down to his lips. He looks so peaceful in his sleepy state.

What would be if I just lean in a little bit closer and closer...How would it feel like, his soft lips on mine? What if.....

"Stared enough?"

Teahyung opens his eyes so quickly, that it does not leave me any time to react to look away.  Urgh how embarrassing!

"I was not starring!" I try to defend myslef poorly. "Stop being so full of yourself!"

He gives me a look. "Yeah sure!"

Taeyhung rubs his sleepy eyes. "Had a good sleep?"

My body temprature increases rapidly, as he watches curiously my reaction. My nod is the only answer I can give him so far. Honestly, him and I so close, body to body, face to face creates weird happy feelings inside me.

"So tell me, what kind of pervy thoughts did you have? I might help you out with that!"

What the heck, Kim Taehyung! His response makes me blush, very hard. I am so thankful for the spare light, because there is no other way to hide my embarrassed face. Screw you Taeyhung!

"I can see you!" His intense stare does not any good to tame my rushing blood cirulation.

"You are blushing because of me!" He states the obvious. The smirk on his face shows how much he enjoys the situation he has put me in. This jerk!

"I am not!" My second miserable  attempt, since I have woken up, to not give him his statisfaction. He raises an eyebrow in disbelief. If teasing me, becomes his new entertainment, so let it be, but he underestimates, who he has to deal with. There is no freaking way, that I will give in  to his  mocking, without any resitance.

But Taehyung would not be Taehyung, if he just let it slide peacefully. Therefore, he tightens his embrace around me. I can feel his arm muscles at my fragile frame. "Either way you will tell me your thoughts or I will help you out with that! ... My way!"

Ignorance At Its Finest  (Taehyung x Yerin)Where stories live. Discover now