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Admin: *skipping along in the eternal Canadian winter**

Norway: Big Brother...

Iceland: No!

Norway: Big brother!! *vice grips Iceland's arm*

Iceland: Nooooooooooooooooo!!

Admin: Norway, Iceland! You have a letter!

Norway: (mutters) Why'd you interrupt us, he was about to say it..

Iceland: ?

Big brother Norway, Big brother Iceland! When will you stop quarrelling about the 'big brother' term?

- Reyjavik/Allois

Norway: *stubborn* until he calls me it forevermore.

Iceland: No way! Even still, are you sure you're the older one?! I might be!

Norway: *pales*

Admin: Thank you for the question miss @Allois_14 !

Iceland: Anyways, at least Reyjavik considers you his big brother... Onii-San.....

Norway: *smiles widely* now say it again........

Iceland: *runs towards the aurora borealis*

*: For most of May even here in Canada, it was freezing and still snowed a bit... That's why I said eternal winter lol!

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