♡Something New♡ ►Sasuke Uchiha◄

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He was sick of it.

Sasuke dealt with this every day of his life. No one can blame him, of course, that he was born with attractive features; no one blames the genetics and chromosomes his parents passed on to him, but why is it that he can’t at least sit at peace in a public bench and read a fucking book?!

Why is it that he can’t simply enjoy watching Koi fish swim while leaning over the bridge and have a moment to relax without getting hit on by girls…and men.

His hand impatiently ran through his hair, heaving a sigh as he unintentionally eavesdropped on two girls who sat on a bench purposely to get noticed. They snickered and giggled behind his back.

 “He’s totally cute~!”

“We should accidently bump into him. Maybe we’ll get his attention~!”

His teeth clenched as well as the hands that crossed his chest.

Sasuke didn’t bother turning to look at them, but knew that if he wouldn’t move, those girls would never leave him alone. So he stuffed his hands in his pockets and began to walk the opposite way towards the city, scoffing at the sound of the girls’ whining about the dreamy boy escaping away from the bridge.

His moment of peace, ruined.

All his male friends avoided him, only because their significant others happened to suddenly become interested in Sasuke while he respectfully only wanted to enjoy a good drink with good company. Except for Naruto of course, but Sasuke would need a lifetime supply of patience to spend more than two hours with the hyperactive blonde.

Anyone who saw Sasuke might say, “Oh he must have it easy!" "His looks must get him a lot of attention from modeling agencies." "That’s one fat wallet he carries!" "He could get any girl he wants!"

But that’s not the case at all.

Sasuke is never interested on relying on anyone nor does he need to feel responsible for anyone but himself. It was easier that way; no one’s heart breaks—no scars, which means a happy life. He didn’t need the passive help of model agencies to earn easy money. Nope! He despised feeling useless, so he works hard like everyone else to earn for himself.

He’d appreciate a change for once. Maybe someone who won’t focus on physical appearance alone.

Sasuke strolled around the streets, his hoodie pulled over his head as his shady eyes scanned each passing building for a new bar to call his own. He needed an outlet for those annoying and disappointing days, such as today.

His lips curved to a relieving smirk when a sign blocked his path.

Vito’s Bar and Lounge Grand Opening!

Sasuke didn’t waste time and pushed open the doors of the bar to enter a calm environment. Faint music played and the many patrons clinked their glasses happily, but weren’t as loud as he thought, which he didn’t mind.

It was barely 3:02PM after all.

He turned his attention to the bar area to find it was empty, except for a woman that sat alone in her red cocktail dress. She sat straight and confident, her [H/C] hair cascaded down her back as she stared into the glass mirror behind all the alcoholic bottles. Sasuke raised a brow at this woman, but shrugged as he went over anyway and sat two seats away from her.

He prepared himself to be stared at; prepared himself to have this woman expose her cleavage as a way to get his attention. But to his surprise, [Name] didn’t even spare him a sideways glance and just kept staring at her own reflection. Her cheeks weren’t even the slightest blushed. The expression on her face consisted of a relaxed smile and casually crossed her legs away from Sasuke.

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