Chapter Ten

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"Happy birthday!" Cara shouted and wrapped Karlie in a hug as soon as the taller girl opened the door.

"Finally you can drink legally!" she added with a smirk.

Karlie laughed and reciprocated the hug.

They separated and Karlie closed the door again, leading her friend into her apartment.

Cara was the last one to arrive. Their mutual friend Derek as well as Kimby and Kariann were already there, sitting on the couch, listening to music and catching up. Derek had been Karlie's best friend since high school times, so the twins knew him of course. Karlie felt lucky that she and Derek had been able to continue living in the same city, even if they went to different schools now.

Cara plopped down on the floor next to the couch. The small apartment had already reached maximum capacity, but neither of them minded.

"Bloody hell Karlie, give me some booze already!" the British girl exclaimed.

Derek snorted.

"When will you stop using that expression, Cara?" he laughed.

"Never!" the brunette announced.

"How was vaycay, Derek?" she asked.

Karlie brought Cara a glass of Bacardi cola, which Derek had brought with him earlier.

She caught her sister's look.

"No, you're not drinking, Kimby. I'm your adult supervision tonight. I don't want mom to get mad" she said pointedly.

Kimby just made a grimace in response. The twins had been lucky to be allowed to visit Karlie on her birthday, so she was aware that they really shouldn't push it.

"Thanks, Karlie" Cara said and smiled.

"Vacation was great. San Francisco is an amazing city. But I'm also glad to be back again" Derek answered.

"Awesome! I really want to go sometime" Cara replied.

"Where's birthday girl number two?" she asked towards Karlie.

Karlie's neighbor Jourdan and she shared a birthday, though Jourdan was two years older.

"Jourdan is at a friend's house pre-gaming, we will meet them later when we go out" Karlie said.

"But we had breakfast together this morning" she added.

"Sweet" Cara said.

Even though Cara and Jourdan knew each other through Karlie, the tall girl sometimes felt like the two got along way better with each other. And she definitely knew that if Jourdan wasn't straight, Cara would have asked her out like, one and a half years ago. Luckily Cara wasn't the type to dwell on unavailable crushes so it was not much of an issue.

The group continued talking, laughing, drinking and eating the snacks Karlie had prepared, and Cara and Derek gave Karlie their small presents. The twins easily fit into Karlie's group of friends, which Karlie felt grateful for. The only thing that was nagging at the back of her mind was that she hadn't heard from Taylor yet today. She knew the singer was in LA and busy, but she nevertheless wished that she'd call. She didn't know how to explain a call from Taylor to the rest of the group, but they wouldn't have to know, right? She had still not told anyone about Taylor, and still kicked herself for lying to Cara two weeks earlier.

After a while the group decided to head out, the bar they wanted to go to was not too far from Karlie's apartment, and outside the air was warm. Karlie texted Jourdan that they were on their way and they would meet them later.

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