Chapter Twenty Four

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"Is this really ok?" Taylor asked Karlie as they got out of the car.

"Yes, Taylor. I suggested it, remember?" Karlie said and rolled her eyes playfully.

They stood on the sidewalk, Taylor's security guard next to them.

"I just wanted to make sure" Taylor mumbled.

"I'm pretty sure you just want me to give in so we can stay home" Karlie grinned and nudged Taylor's arm.

"Maybe" Taylor grinned back at her.

"Trust me, this will be fun! Besides, I haven't gotten any exercise yet this year" Karlie assured her.

"It's January 3rd" Taylor replied drily.

"Exactly" Karlie said and pulled Taylor by her arm so the older girl would follow her.

They entered Central Park; the street lamps were already on as the sun was about to set. So far the new year had presented itself in a glistening white snow dress and a clear sky. The air was cold and despite it being Friday night there were not many people outside.

Taylor and Karlie had not been able to see each other over the holidays, both wanting to spend time with their families and having decided that it was too early to visit. Karlie had met Taylor's parents the day after the singer's birthday when they had gone to brunch together, and they had been welcoming and accepting towards the student.

Taylor, however, hadn't been introduced to Karlie's parents yet. They were still processing the fact that their daughter was in fact dating the singer. It wasn't that they didn't think Taylor wasn't good for Karlie, they were just worried about Karlie's safety. She couldn't blame them and had decided to give them as much time as needed and to not rush anything.

So Taylor found herself in New York City once again. She had just arrived earlier and would stay the weekend, until the spring semester would start for Karlie the next Monday.

"See, there's not that many people here!" Karlie said excitedly after they had walked for a while.

The ice skating rink glistened white under the floodlight, with the city's tall buildings rising up in the background. They walked down the path towards the entrance. To Taylor's surprise, there was only a small queue. It eased her nerves a little.

They had talked at length about how they would go about going out in public together after the paparazzi incident, and had decided to not change anything. They didn't want to limit themselves, and Taylor didn't want to take this important part of normalcy from Karlie's life. If there ever were paparazzi again, they would simply hide or have the photos taken down again, if any got released. Karlie had insisted on them not holing up in their houses, not wanting Taylor to become more anxious than she already was.

"I don't think he's having fun" Taylor whispered to Karlie when they were sitting on the wooden bench, putting on their skates.

Karlie looked at the security guard and giggled.

He stood a few feet away from them, watching them and the other people and shifting from one foot to the other.

She took Taylor's hand, both of them wearing thick gloves. She wished she could kiss her girlfriend right now, finding her adorable in her beanie and unsteady stance on the skates, but she knew that it wasn't possible. At least no one seemed to have noticed them so far, she thought.

Karlie led them towards the ice and stepped into the rink before Taylor so she could help her in. She burst out laughing when she saw Taylor's anxious face.

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