Chapter Twenty Seven

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"So, we will now show you something, and you will tell us what you think about it" the tall, pale man announced.

He and the other two had carried chairs into the office and made themselves comfortable on them, with a cup of coffee next to each of them. They had offered some to Kimby as well, but she had declined. She was still in her pajamas, not wanting to change back into her clothes from the day before, but had pulled her coat over them, feeling cold in the basement room.

The man turned his laptop towards her and started playing a video. Kimby winced when she saw what it was. She could see Taylor perform her last song in St Louis, then going down the stairs in the middle of the stage, almost tripping and falling but instead hovering down the stairs, landing safely and continuing after a second as if nothing had happened. So they really knew about her conjuring skills, she thought.

"So?" the man asked when the video had ended but Kimby hadn't moved.

"Oh. Hmm, looks interesting" she started, deciding to play dumb.

"Interesting, huh? Yeah we thought so, too. Which was why we investigated a little. Are you sure you don't have to tell us something about what happened there?" he smirked.

Kimby shuddered.

"I don't know what you mean, sir" she said.

"Don't play dumb!" the man said raising his voice.

"You were at this concert, weren't you? With your sisters?" he asked.

Kimby's eyes went wide.

"We know more about you than you think" the man spoke again and smirked.

He nudged the blonde man with the scar on his face, who had brought her breakfast earlier.

"We do" the man confirmed.

"You go to UNC with your sister. And we know you're a magician" he stated, sounding sure of himself.

Kimby almost laughed at the word he used. Magician? She didn't correct him. Instead, she gulped, not knowing what to say. Her silence was taken as confirmation.

"And was it you or your sister who prevented your friend from getting burnt and injured when you were cooking together?" the dark-skinned man spoke up.

Kimby felt her heart beating out of her chest. How did these men know so much about her? Had she been this careless?

"Who is making you keep your witchcraft a secret?" the man in the middle asked.

Kimby gulped again, but didn't reply.

"Talk to us, kid. We don't want to harm you. We just want the truth" he continued.

"You see, we think that you could do so much more good in the world if you didn't have to hide your skills. And you seem to want to do good too, from what we know about you. So, who is keeping you from it?" he asked again.

Kimby just stared at them. She was not going to tell them about the CA, she swore herself. She couldn't do that to Mrs Yanez, the others and herself. It was true that she was often upset about the strict rules, but she wasn't going to give in to these strange men.

They heard a woman's voice calling from upstairs.

"Oh, my wife is calling me. I'll be right back" the tall man announced, leaving Kimby alone with the other two.

After a while he returned with another man. He looked at Kimby timidly, then whispered something to the house-owner. He was pale and small, and had freckles on his face. He looked familiar to Kimby, but she couldn't place him.

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