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Erwin started to type our names into the police computers, typing rapidly. "Alright, it's loading." He says.

"We better find our parents." Levi says as he drinks tea.

"Levi, at least be hopeful. We got this far."

"Got something." Levi and I crowded Erwin to see what popped up. Levi's documents were up first. "Levi Kenny Ackerman. Born on December 25, at 10:25 pm."

"What's my mother's name?"

"Kuchel Gloria Ackerman. Father is unknown."

"Anything on her?" His voice raised as he spoke. I smiled, he knows his mother now.

"Not really. Other than her name and who she mothered was only recorded. There's also birth records."

"Read the details."

Erwin sighs, "Man, read ahead for a bit, it's sad."

"I said to read it, out loud."

"Anitta Winslow adopts Levi Ackerman from Kuchel Ackerman. Reason for Kuchel to leave her child was because she cannot afford to keep the child. Kuchel cannot visit her child. Unknown location. Kuchel Ackerman cannot be found now." Erwin turns to him. "Levi, it's going to be impossible to find her. What are you planning to do?"

"Anything to find her. My question is why there's no other records of her."

"I don't know, Levi. I'll search for her name now. While it's searching, let's take a look at Hanji's."

He closes Levi's files and opens mine up. "I'm ready for anything."

"Good. Hanji Kari Zoe. Daughter of James Zoe and Sandra Zoe. Adopted by Anitta Winslow. Parents were murdered and James' sister could not take care of the daughter. Put her up for adoption." 

"Parents... murdered?" My voice started crack. Levi's hand was on my shoulder, comforting me.

"Hanji, listen..."

"I guess... this is the truth... I'll never meet my parents."

"Hanji, you can meet your aunt." Erwin says.


He nods. "Of course. We know her and she's still alive. You can finally meet her."

"What's her name? Where does she live?"

"Her name is... Ester Zoe. She lives... in another state. She's not close."

"Hanji." I turn to see Levi giving me looks, looks that he actually cares about me. "How about this, we go and meet her? She's one of your known family member."

"What about you?"

"We'll find my mother soon."

"Thank you, Levi."

"Levi, here's some more information on your mother." We all turned to the screen again. "Kuchel Gloria Ackerman. Has a brother, Kenny Rilyer Ackerman. Has one known child, Levi Kenny Ackerman. Last known location was at... Farther from Hanji's aunt."

"It's settled." 

"Eh? Levi?" I look at him, confused. "What's settled?"

He gives me a dirty look, "We're going to see your aunt. Then we'll find my mother."

"Right, we'll do it, together."

"I wish you guys good luck. It's not my journey to make. Stay with me tonight, I'll help get you some money and get you guys on your way."

"Wow, can't wait to get rid of us." Levi rolls his eyes.

"I'm trying to make sure that you'll find them."


Erwin sighs, "And to make sure that you'll be prepared. I don't want to lose you guys, since we're pretty close."

"Whatever, Erwin."

"Are you guys satisfied?"

I nod, "Not sure what I should respond with. I was hoping for some information on how to meet my parents. I guess it's never going to happen."

Out of nowhere, Levi hugs me, his head on my chest. "You have family members. I'm sorry that your parents are dead, but you got to hope."

"I know, Levi."

"Once we reach your aunt, you can ask all the questions you want. I'm never going to stop you."

"That's unusual."

"What's unusual?"

"You allowing me to ask all the questions I want to ask. Why?"

"It's your family. You should know your family well, Hanji. I just hope I can find my mother."

"I bet you will. Besides, you get to see your mother once we find her."


"Anyways, I think you're good. I'll print out the files for you. Just go to my house, and wait. I'll be done in a couple of minutes." Erwin says, clicking print on all the tabs on our files.

"Minutes? We can stay, right?" I ask.

Erwin shakes his head, "Technically, you're not allowed here."

"Then why are we here?"

"I... sneaked you in.. gotta hurry and leave before my boss comes here. He probably already knows that I'm looking into these files."

"We'll leave then. See you later, Erwin." Levi takes my arm and we leave the station. I can't believe that Erwin found about our birth parents... by mine were dead. My hope are all on my aunt. Please, accept me as family and hopefully you can tell me everything about my family and who I am.

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