4: Gradual Change

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   You arrived home, having walked slowly from Ivy's house. Looking up, it was kinda dark out, so you were probably late. Perfect. Just peachy. You sighed and walked in the door to find your parents on the couch, asleep. You sighed in relief and silently entered the kitchen, nabbing some food, which you ate before entering the garage and falling asleep.

You opened your eyes to see that your sleep had gone undisturbed. Surprised, you tossed on your uniform and entered the kitchen to see your parents still asleep on the couch in the living room. You took the chance to steal a little more food, leaving no trace as you grabbed your bag and crept out of the door. As soon as you were clear of the driveway, you broke into a sprint. You ran and didn't stop until you found yourself at the entrance to Phoenix Drop High. You almost fell over from the sprint. You coughed to clear your throat, feeling your lungs rattle. Swallowing the mucus that came up, you sat by the fountain, calming down. You were probably super early, as the doors were shut and nobody was there other than you, and you were probably going to be in massive trouble. You took a few more deep breaths before standing up. You got light-headed from the sudden altitude change, but it wore off and you wandered around the front of the building. While you were recovering from your run, a few people you didn't know had shown up, and started chatting with each other, and more people were arriving almost by the minute. Soon, the front lot of Phoenix Drop High was just as filled as it normally was.

"Oh, hello Y/n!" You looked up to see Aphmau looking over at you, presumably interrupting a conversation with a teenager you recognized as Garroth, Ivy's crush.

"Hello Aphmau." You waved back, still breathing slightly heavily.

"Hey, can I talk to you about something later?" She asked. You tilted your head.

"Um... sure. When exactly are we talking?" You responded, confused as to what she'd want to talk about.

"After school will work." Aphmau said, before the Garroth spoke up.

"Wait, you're Y/n, right?" Garroth spoke.

"I mean, Aphmau just called me Y/n, so I'd presume that's me." You answered.

"Alright, just checking. Sorry for the obvious question." He responded.

"It's alright." You rubbed the back of your neck, trying not to react to the fact that it was still pretty bruised and cut up.

"So... see you after school Y/n! Aphmau piped up before you waved at her and she continued speaking to Garroth. Now with nothing to do, you turned towards the entrance to the school and waited for the bell to ring.

   Eventually, you heard the bell ring and stood up with everyone else to get inside the school. After a minute of fighting with midgets and people almost twice your size, you got inside and went straight for your locker, grabbing the things for your first few classes, and getting to your first class. Sitting down, you realized you were the first one in class.

"Mr L/n. Early as per usual." You heard your teacher speak up.
(Quick A/n. Gonna base some teachers off of my own teachers)

"Yeah, like to be early." You responded, nervous.

"Great, do you have the review sheets I passed out over this unit?" Your history teacher, Mr Brinich asked. You pulled out five sheets of paper and placed on a short, black filing cabinet in the front of the classroom.

"Thank you L/n. I will pass out notes when class starts, so go make sure everything's done with the time you have." You murmured agreement before leaving the room for a minute to get a drink from a drinking fountain.

After about 10 minutes, the bell for first hour rung, leaving you now trapped in your first hour class, history. Mr Brinich wrote some things on the board as the class started talking with each other, but were quickly hushed when Mr Brinich got back to his desk.

"Now for Call of role, please say 'here' when I call your name." He spoke in his fake Canadian accent.

After a few hours of class, you were at lunch. Again. You walked into the lunchroom and almost immediately took your usual spot in the corner. You found your eyes closing before spotting Aphmau. She was exiting the lunchroom, presumably to use the bathroom. You thought nothing of it until you heard snickers from where she exited. Now cautious, you walked out the exit, seeing Lilly and Alex, Ivy's Friends, at the door to the bathroom. As you got closer, they failed to notice you, because they were too busy listening into the bathroom, which you could barely hear.

"Seriously, you think you can keep hanging out with MY Garroth and get away with it?" You recognized Ivy's taunting tone of voice.

"What? He's always been the one to-"

"Stop lying, potato." You heard footsteps as you got closer.

"Um... what's going on here?" You slowly asked. Alex and Lily whipped around to see you, before recognizing you and taking your arms as soon as they saw you.

"Well, What do you know? Another double whammy. Ivy's gonna like this." Lily spoke, smirking.

"Hey Ivy!" Alex called into the bathroom. The door slammed open, revealing Ivy.

"I'm in the middle of-" she made eye contact with you.

"Y/n?" You raised an arm in Greeting.

"Hello." Ivy rushed over and forcefully removed you from Lily and Alex's grip.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be eating lunch right now?" Ivy asked, concerned. You pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Ivy, I know what you're doing in the bathroom, you're not fooling me." Ivy's eyes widened.

"And I have a solid reason to do it!" You pursed your lips.

"Yeah, as good a reason as I hear everyday from you-know-who." You said. Ivy looked taken aback.

"Um... well..." Ivy stammered, which was really out of character for her. She's normally really coordinated. After she failed to respond, you turned around and entered the cafeteria again, leaving a stammering Ivy and confused Lily and Alex behind.

Okay guys, this is pretty late, and a bit short for a normal chapter, which I apologize for. Other than that, have a nice day! So Baii!


~1076 Words

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