Paul Finch

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Name: Paul Finch

Nickname: Finch

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

American Pie 1- Senior in Highschool
American Pie 2- Junior in College

American Pie 1-17
American Pie 2- 19
American Pie Wedding- 22
American Pie Reunion- 32  

Birthdate: 1980


Height: 6'0

Weight: 165

Build: Finch is a slim lean guy but he is very tall. He has some muscle but not that much 

Skin tone:

Face: Pic

Eyes: blue

Hair color: light brown

Hair style: Pic

Tattoos/Piercings: None

Glasses: None


Personality:down to earth despite his taste for the finer things. He is cultivated without being pretentious, and is always loyal to his closest friends. As he puts it, "Love life, get paid, then get laid. That's the basic philosophy of... The Finch-meister!"

Likes:literature, art and philosophy

Dislikes: Steve Stifler


Mother: Rachel Finch

Father: Thomas Finch

Siblings: None

Cousins: None


Best friends: Jim , Oz, Kevin, Rosaline

friends: Steve Stifler

Crush: N/A

Love interests: n/a (He did have a thing with stifler's mom but it was more of a one time thing)

Quote: "I did fuck your mom. Twice."

"No, you bleating imbecile. They have style, they're cultured, they're sophisticated."

History: n/a

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