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Amelia wanted to kill Draco. She couldn't believe that he had gotten their mother involved. Amelia smiled at Narcissa. "T-Talk about what? Is father okay?" She asked.

Narcissa sighed. "Draco sent me an owl. Apparently since the Yule Ball, you have been acting off."

"Figures. Draco called in Mummy. Well, maybe this is one problem you can't fix Mother!"

Narcissa was shocked. Amelia hadn't ever spoken to her that way before. She looked at her daughter. "You haven't ever talked me that way before Amelia. What is wrong?"

Amelia sighed. "I'm fine mother. I'm a teenage girl. I am allowed some off days."

Draco walked into the common room. His sister was there and she looked mad. "What?"

"You just had to get mother involved huh? Couldn't just let me have my off days?" She spat.

Draco rolled his eyes. "You've been having the off days since the Yule ball!"

"Just back off Draco. I don't need you or your overprotectivness," she said.

Amelia was walking the corridors. Snape looked at her. "Come back for more?" He asked.

Amelia scoffed. "Leave me alone. I don't want anything more to do with you. There was no need for you to treat me like that you greasy haired bastard," she said.

Snape was shocked.  He couldn't believe she had spoken to him like that. "You have just bought yourself two months detention."

Amelia scoffed again. "I doubt that Severus. I can always go to Professor Dumbledore and tell him you had sex with me. Then you'd be out of Hogwarts before you could blink," she spat.

"Don't you dare try to blackmail me. You're an insolent little brat."

"You're the worst teacher on this planet! By the way, you're crap at sex. I've had much better," Amelia stated.

Snape smirked. "But you'll come back. I have it on good authority that you want me."

Amelia went into the Room of Requirement. She needed some time alone. She couldn't believe someone had told Snape that she wanted him. She would curse whoever it was.

Amelia conjured up a dummy and began casting curses on it wishing it was Snape. She wanted nothing more than to curse him. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid as to have had sex with him.

Narcissa went back to the manor. She knew Lucius would want to know about Amelia. Narcissa never kept anything hidden from her husband regarding their children.

Lucius was in his study when Narcissa walked in. "Well?" He asked. He knew his wife had been to see their daughter.

Narcissa sighed. "She wouldn't talk to me. She tried to convince me that she was having a few off days," she explained.

Lucius nodded. He looked at Narcissa. "Severus will help. I know he wants to keep his snakes safe," he said.

Narcissa nodded in response. She knew her husband was right. All she could do was hope that whatever was bothering their daughter, sorted itself out.

But, how would they both react to knowing their daughter had sex with their friend?

A Forbidden Love {Harry Potter}Where stories live. Discover now