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Katrina's pov

      "Kylie!" I yelled out as I walked into her house. I was looking at my phone as I walked up the stairs.
    "I'm in my room" she yelled back. I put my phone down as I opened her bedroom door. I walked in and saw she was in her closet.
      "You look cute today" she said as she saw me. I smiled at her doing a little pose before sitting down.
    "So should I keep my blonde or go back to dark hair" I asked her. She looked at me thinking for a moment.
   "I think the blonde is really cute" she said as she put some of her clothes away.
"Alright cool I'm keeping the blonde" I said.
   "Soooooo I told you how I wanna start my design company right?" I asked her before going on. She nodded and I continued to talk.
  "Well I think I wanna start with like a small business before I expand because I don't know how successful it will be you know?" I said to her.
    "I completely agree, its better to start off small and just work your way up" she said. I nodded.
    "Oh shit I gotta go" I said standing up quickly. Kylie looked at me confused but more of a look of why are you leaving.
    "I promised Kourt I'd watch Reign while she went to the gym. Scott took North and Mason and P to the movies so" I said.
   "Come back after you pick him up because I wanna see him" she said. I nodded giving her a side hug before walking out to my car. I drove to Kourtney's house and she had Reign all ready to go.

"Ready buddy" I said as she handed him to me

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"Ready buddy" I said as she handed him to me. She put his car seat in my car and then we put him in his car seat.
   "You're literally a life saver Kat" she said as I shut the door.
  "I know I know" I said making her roll her eyes at me.
"Okay go away before I change my mind" she said to me. I giggle getting back in my car. I drove to my moms house to pick up some papers she had looked through for me. I got Reign out of the car and walked into my moms house. I could hear her and Khloe in the kitchen so I walked into the kitchen.
    "Heyyyyyy" I said as I entered.
"Did you kidnap Reign" Khloe said walking over and taking him from me. I laughed at her response.
    "Haha so funny, but no Kourtney is working out and Scott took the kids to a movie so I agreed to watch this little cutie" I said poking his cheek.
             "Oh I have your papers they are right here my love" she said handing them to me. I smiled Kissing her cheek.
    "Thanks momma, I appreciate it!" I said. I sat and talked with them for a bit before taking Reign back.
   I went back to Kylie's house and she this time was downstairs.
"I'm backkkk" I yelled out. She came around the corner from her kitchen and took Reign.
    "Hi buddy" she said. We went into her kitchen and she held him for a good two minutes before giving him back.
    "Look who came to visit me....... my sissy and this little cutie.... Reign Reign look" she said pointing her phone at us. I was guessing it was for Snapchat.
    "Buddy look" I said pointing at the phone. He looked for a split second before looking at me like wtf
  "Kylie I legit want a baby so bad, like it's not even funny" I said to her. She laughed at me shaking her head.
   "Katrina I don't think it's a great idea to have a baby right now" she said. I rolled my eyes with a smile.
   "I really want one though" I laughed.
"Have you met any boys recently?" She asked me. I shook my head no.
   "Not yet. After going with David things just haven't been great. Like I just haven't hit it off with anyone you know" I said to her. She nodded then got quiet.
   "After Kourt picks up Reign you and I are going out and you're going to have fun" she said to me. I thought and knew she wouldn't let me protest. So I just nodded.
   "Alright sounds like fun" I said.
"Deal" she said. I smiled sticking my hand out
"Deal" I replied.

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