"Here is to our girls night!" Kylie yelled as we took a shot. The music was blaring and people were dancing and drinking. It was pretty damn lit. "Let's go dance" I yelled over the music. She nodded and her Jordyn and I went on the dance floor dancing the night away. My body accidentally bumped into someone causing me to look behind me to see who I bumped. I saw a boy with curly hair and green eyes standing there. We both said sorry at the same time causing both of us to smile and laugh a bit. "I really am sorry I didn't see you haha" I said to him. "It's fine" he said. He smiled at me and I smiled at him and I just felt a spark. He walked away and I just brushed it off. We kept dancing but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Kylie went up to some guy and they started talking. She looked behind her I'm guessing for me and she motioned for me to come over. I walked over to her to see a blonde haired boy. "Katrina this is Niall, he is my friend I invited him here tonight" she said. We waved at each other then he motioned his friends to come over. "This is Harry" he said pointing to the same boy I had bumped into not too long ago. "The boy I bumped on the dance floor" I said with a slight smile. "Harry this is Katrina" Niall said. "Sooo you're Kylie's twin?" He said. I nodded with a smile. Pretty soon Niall and Kylie had drifted off in their conversation and so had Harry and I. "What brings you here tonight" he asked me. "Well my sister kinda forced me to come out tonight" I said to him. He nodded making an ohhh face. "How about you?" I asked him. "Niall just said one of his friends invited him to come clubbing and he invited me so I said sure" he explained. "That's fun" I said. We talked for a while before Niall and Kylie came over. "Ready to go?" She asked me. I nodded. I said bye to the boys and as I was walking away I heard Harry yelling my name. "Katrina! Katrina wait!" He yelled. I turned around and Kylie had my arm so she stopped as well. I smiled as he approached me. "Can I have your number?" He asked me. "Yeah totally" I said pulling out my phone. We exchanged phone numbers and then we went separate ways. "You like himmmmm" Kylie said as we got into the car. I rolled my eyes. "No he was just very nice. A very nice guy" I said to her. She scoffed then her and Jordyn started to talk. I kept thinking about his smile. He was so polite and so sweet. He just made me smile. A real smile not a fake one. I would for sure be talking to him again soon. Once I got back to my house I took off my makeup and got dressed into some comfy pants and a tank top. I picked up my phone and decided to text him. To Harry Styles- it was really nice meeting you again
From Harry styles- it was nice meeting you too! What are you doing tomorrow? To Harry styles- nothing, I was going to go on a hike. Maybe you wanna come with me? From Harry styles- I'm down. Just text me the time
To Harry styles- alright I will :)
I set my phone down a big smile plastered on my face. I laid down and closed my eyes. Tomorrow would be very eventful.
Next day
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"Come on it's not that much further" I said to him. He had stopped a little bit back from where I was to catch his breathe. I had done this trail a lot so it wasn't as bad for me. "Alright alright" he said catching up to me. I giggled and we started to walk together. We reached the top and I took a picture of the view. I took one every time I did this. So every week. "This is a great view" he said. I nodded putting my phone back. "It is it is" I said. I sat down on a rock and he sat next to me. We stayed quiet for a bit before I started a conversation. "So how long are you in LA?" I asked him. "Well I just moved back actually" he said. "That's awesome!" I said. He laughed and nodded. "Tell me about yourself" he said to me. I thought for a moment before talking. "I'm 20 years old, I've lived here my whole life. My family is kinda crazy, I love taking pictures and traveling and I wanna be able to one day do that with someone and I really wanna have a kid one day" I said. "Wow. Well I'm 22 and I like to travel as well. I just moved back to LA and also hope to have a kid one day too" he said to me. We smiled at each other and talked a little bit longer. "Listen I'm going to Vegas for a little like, night trip to go have fun. I'd love if you came with me" he told me as we sat there. "Well I'd love to. I haven't been to vegas in a while" I told him with a smile. He smiled showing his dimples. Ahhhh they gave me butterflies "Wanna go get ice cream" I asked him. He looked at me confused. "Didn't we do this hike to lose weight?" He asked me. "Well technically yes, butttttt we worked our asses off getting up here we should get a treat for that don't you think" I told him. He laughed agreeing. We walked down then we went to get our ice cream. "Katrina?" I heard my name. I turned around to see Khloe. I smiled hugging her. "What are you doing here, who's thisss" she said eyeing Harry and giving me that look. The look that your sister gives you of ooouuu get some. "Oh Khloe this is Harry Harry this is my sister Khloe" I said introducing them. They shook hands and they smiled at each other. "What are you two doing are you like on a date?" She asked us. Me and Harry immediately starting saying no then looked at each other. "Just getting some ice cream" he said with his smile. She nodded that nod of mhhmmm yes whatever. "Mhmm.... Kat are you still going to dinner at moms tonight?" She asked me. "Yeah, I mean I might be a little late but yeah I'll be there" I said. "Harry you should come too, it's very nice we all get together and it's generally s good time" she said. I looked at her with a what the fuck are you doing look but she ignored me. "I actually would love to but I promised my mate I'd meet up with him" he said politely declining. "Well that's too bad, next time. Katrina I'll see you at moms, Harry it was so nice meeting you" she said. He nodded with a smile. And she gave me a hug walking away. "So ummm yeah that's one of my sisters" I laughed awkwardly "She is very welcoming" he said. I nodded. "Today was really nice" I told him as we walked towards my car. "It was id love to do it again sometime" he told me as we approached my car. I nodded with a smile. "Well I will definitely call you" I said as we hugged. It was such a nice hug too. Like omlllll this boy. "Bye Kat" he said as I walked around to my driver side. "Bye Harry" I said getting in my car. It only took me an hour to get ready and get to my moms and when I did Khloe had a bunch of questions. "Do you like him" she said to me following me into the kitchen. I smiled looking away. "We are just friends" I told her. "Oh cut the shit, I can tell" she said. She was interrupted by P and Mason running in the kitchen and attacking her with hugs. I don't know, maybe I was starting to like this guy.