Chapter 3

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Alexa: hey, is that your warrior outfit?

Aisa: I like to cosplay as a female fantasy warrior sometimes.

AJ Lee: do you realize how sexy you look?

Aisa: well, no. I never really paid attention to my body shape.

AJ Lee: honey, you have an hourglass figure!

Paige: and you're thick around the thighs.

Aisa: oi!

Paige: did I make you uncomfortable, love?

Aisa: yep.

Paige: sorry, love.

Roman: (walks in) oooh, you're looking fine, doll.

Aisa: (rolls her eyes) shut up, Reigns.

Reneé: he is telling the truth.

Aisa: (huffs)

Roman: you're not going to be wearing that the whole day, are you, kitten?

Aisa: hell no!

Roman: snappy, are we?

Aisa: sorry, just irritated.

Roman: anyway, Steph told me that you get to fight males too.

Aisa: eh, it's fine, I'd kick their asses all the way into next year.

AJ Lee: that she will.

Dean: what about The Brothers of Destruction?

Aisa: oh hell naw!

Dean: exactly.

Dolph: (comes in and notices Aisa) hello there.

Aisa: (snarls) what do you want?

Dolph: whoa, can't I say hi?

Aisa: you've said it, now back the fuck up!

Dolph: ooooh, I like 'em feisty.

Roman: (stands in between Dolph and Aisa) she said... Back up!

Dolph: what if I don't?

Dean: looks like our little Ken doll has a death wish.

Seth: should I get my spell book?

Roman: oh, we won't be needing any magic. (Cracks his knuckles)

Dolph: (leaves)

Aisa: I could've kicked his ass!

Roman: and let your powers lose control? Hell no.

Aisa: alright, fine. Thanks.

Roman: no problem, doll.

(In the Ring)

Aisa: what's all the ruckus?!

AJ Styles: well, Dean here won't shut his mouth.

Aisa: that's Dean for you!

(They start arguing back and forth, the lightning strikes and it goes dark)

Aisa: oh no.

(The Undertaker's theme song hits and he slowly walks down the ramp)

Seth: aren't we just screwed!

(The lights come back on)

Aisa: Undertaker...

Undertaker: silence, child. I know that survivor series is coming up and if y'all don't win... You're all going to Rest... In... Peace! (He leaves)

Aisa: isn't this perfect!

AJ Styles: he can't possibly hurt us!

Aisa: did you see what he did to Kane in an inferno match?!

AJ Styles: oh...

Aisa: well, unless we start training hard, we might as well just write our wills!

AJ Styles: you're so snappy, little one.

Aisa: did you just?!

Roman: (holds her back) please don't, I don't want The Undertaker back out here and tombstoning us into oblivion.

Aisa: fine.

Samoan goddess (Roman Reigns x OC)Where stories live. Discover now