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As we were about to leave the museum the one we all didn’t want to see was standing at the only exit of the museum but we didn't turn back we just kept on walking.

“How were the exhibits Sir?”  The Strange Old man asked as if nothing transpired between him and my kids a short while back.
“Yes, we enjoyed every one of the them.” Amelia said quickly before I could even utter a word out of my mouth.

"Glad to hear that.  I hope I see you all again.”  He said awkwardly as Amelia pulled me through the door and towards the Jeep.

As we all jumped in the Jeep I looked back at the old mansion and what I saw I couldn’t set my mind to believe it there standing at the upper most window was the old man and to his right stood the same creature I saw in the woods and on the painting and the strange thing about them was that they both were looking at me intensely as if I was a precious item to them.

  As I drove off I heard a voice in my head that sound similarly with that of the old man and it said 
*Just wait my son your time of redemption will be at hand your rebirth will be the downfall of this town and both of us will rule side by side as it should have always been.*

I didn’t know if my mind was playing with me but I was wondering why he referred to me as his son; I don’t know my father because my mother never spoke about him but I still strongly believe that this old man was not him. I also thought about what the voice in my head said about my redemption being at hand I don’t know what type of redemption it was referring to but what the voice said after prove that it was not good.

Even now I don’t know why I was drawn to Redstone in the first place and I as I thought again I didn’t even know why Redstone felt so much like home.  Could it be that what the voice had said was really true because if it is a fact that I am one of them it will for the best that I leave the town so that the plan will never come into play.

Death In The Still of The . . . .Where stories live. Discover now