Welcome the General {3}

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As I looked around, I began to think about the events of this morning. My first thought was 'why did I feel like a motherly/sisterly figure towards Lafayette, and why was his hair so fluffy?' I thought more about the subject. Until I heard yelling from one of the guest rooms.

I went in there, only to see a new face from the others. I, again, recognized him. He was Charles lee, and he was getting an ear full from Alex.

I ran in to stop the commotion. "Alrighty men, at attention!" I yelled in my most commanding voice I could muster, earning some fully alert salutes from the men out of reflex. I gave a laugh at this.

"At ease, boys. What seems to be the problem here?" I asked, a giggle still present in my words. The men relaxed quickly, all except for Lee. He stood off in the corner, a slightly fearful and shy look on his face. What?

I walked through the small crowd, as if I was parting the red see or some shit. I stood in front of Lee, he seemed to be afraid of everything.

"Lee. Are you alright?" I asked in a soft voice. He grabbed onto his hair and slid down the wall, breathing rapidly. I heard some scoffs from around the room. "PTSD. Boys clear out!" I commanded. I don't know why they where listening to me, but they did as told and cleared into the hallway.

I wrapped my arms around Lee. He was shaking violently. "Lee, I need you to try and copy my breathing. Can you do that for me?" I asked in a quiet tone. He nodded a bit.

I took deep breaths. He followed until I notice him stop shaking. I pet his dark hair to calm him. He seemed to go limp in my arms.

I pulled away, seeing that his eyes where closed and he seemed to be sleeping. I used my hands to softly clean his face of sweat and tears. I then picked him up, finding out that he was EXTREMELY light.

I laid him in the guest room bed, covering him with a blanket. I left into the hallway, seeing the men all stood around with aggravated looks on their faces. I grew one of my own.

"Men" I spoke coldly. They turned to me quickly, my look slightly softened at them. "General Lee has just experienced what people call a 'Anxiety Attack'. Do you know why?" I asked, looking around. I received a bunch if 'no's' and head shakes.

"He is experiencing a thing called 'post traumatic stress disorder'. It is causing him to go into shock and panic when ever he is reminded of his status as a general. He will eventually be able to handle it. But not yet" I explained. I saw their expressions change from hatred to either sympathy or surprise.

I told them that when he wakes up. I was going to take them to get some new modern clothing for them to wear. Until then, they where free to roam around. And if they had any questions to ask.

-smol time skip brought to you by Lee-child having a panic attack-

I sat in my room, doing some drawing in a sketchbook. When I saw someone poke their head into the door. I looked up and saw that it was Aaron Burr. I welcomed him in as I set my book aside. He sat down on my bed and slightly fiddled with his sleeve. "I just wanted to ask. Why are you helping us? We have done nothing for you, so, why?" He asked. I gave him a knowing smile.

"Well. I've learned that in life you gotta help others when you can. And maybe you'll get something special out of it. Plus, I've  been in a very dark place these past few years. And you boys have been the best thing to happen to me since-" I was cut off by Alex popping in. "Lee's awake"

I nodded. "Just know that you have all helped me more than you think you have. Even though we met this morning!" I chuckled, he did as well. I got up and stretched, my shirt sliding up my sides. "WHAT IS THAT?!?" I heard Alex screech, I looked to my side to see my Tattoo of (insert tattoo here).

I gave a small laugh. "Oh! That's my tattoo! I got it a few months ago!" I responded, walking over to the door. "Y/n wait" Aaron called, I turned back. "Yes?" I asked, he smiled at me. "I was wondering if you have any books I could possibly read?" He asked. My eyes lit up as I nodded. "Theres a whole BUNCH of them in boxes in that closet!" I yelled, pointing to a hallway closet as I left the door.

I heard him quietly whisper "yes!" To himself. It was adorable.

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