Chapter Eleven: Breaking Relations

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The next day, we called a meeting with the Telmarines. You see, we had received many complaints about the Telmarines supposedly wandering into Narnian lands not designated to them, and Reese wanted to know if the accusations were true. So, he requested King Caspian's  presence at the noon meal to discuss the matter . . .

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Because the great feasting table would be too excessive for the few people invited, Reese ordered a wooden table to be set up in the garden for lunch. Reese sat at the head of the table with Caspian on the opposite end. Eliza and Lydia sat on Reese's left, and Brennan and Fabrian, who had accompanied his king as an ambassador, sat on Reese's right.  Lydia chatted pleasantly with Fabrian across from her, but Brennan glowered at him. Eliza clenched her skirts under the table, trying to keep from screaming. What is Brennan mad about anyway? Eliza worried. Why can't he forget about it for just one meal? She glanced at the two Telmarine guards several paces behind Caspian. They rested their hands on their sword hilts and solemnly observed the Regents. The guards occasionally scowled at the Regents' Centaur guards who would return their dirty looks. Eliza's armpits dampened with sweat; she felt as if she were at a table full of boiling kettles all about to blow their tops.

Reese, calm as ever, listened patiently as Caspian fawned over the delicious fruit and how grand the garden was and did they have those tree people tend it for them? As Caspian took a sip of wine, Reese casually straightened his silverware. "Sir, why have you and your people moved north to the Western Woods?"

Caspian choked on his wine. "Ah," he answered with affected cheerfulness, "I should have known you wanted to discuss that."

Stern-faced, Reese waited while the king stalled, wiping the wine from his beard. "Well?" Reese persisted.

"Some hunters of mine," Caspian answered nervously, "came back with news of more fertile land up north. The river stemming from Caldron Pool provides fresh clean water for my people as well as rich ground for crops, and these 'Western Woods' - as you call them - have sturdy trees for our houses."

"It's not in our agreement," Reese declared firmly. 

Eliza interjected timidly. "What he means  is that we would have wanted to have been consulted beforehand, that's all."

"No." Reese looked sternly from her to Caspian again. "This move is dangerous. Many Talking Beasts live up in the Western Woods - ."

"Not in the area we found, I assure you," Caspian interrupted with a broad smile.

"You wandered close enough!" Reese's voice rose in strength, drawing the attention of even the younger Regents and Fabrian.

"Reese," Eliza begged quietly, hoping he would stop.

He didn't and leaned forward. "Good Narnians from the Western Woods are concerned that your men are growing careless and brash."

"Brash?" Caspian repeated indignantly.

"They're chopping down trees without checking whether a dryad lives in it first, and more than one Talking Beast has almost been shot by your hunting parties."

Brennan narrowed his eyes at Fabrian as if he were responsible. "Maybe it was on purpose," he muttered threateningly.

"Brennan!" Lydia hissed. Eliza squirmed in her seat.

Reese continued. "Our agreement was that your people stay near the Shuddering Woods."

Caspian angrily stood, his bear fur cloak accentuating his broad figure. "When did we need your permission - ?"

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