Baby Avery, Chapter 1

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Y/N: your name
Y/m: your moms name

Your eyes open, the room your in is pitch black. You manage to find your phone, it's 3:02 am and you only have 1% battery left. "Shit" you say. You look over to the left, and you see a man in bed with you. "Shit" you say again.

You hurry and get dressed in what you were wearing to the party that night, then you quickly drive home.

You open the door to your house, it's pitch black so you turn on the lights, your mom is sitting in a chair by the entry, she looks really angry.

Y/n: mom...? What are you doing?? It's super late.

Y/m: No y/n, what are YOU doing. You said you'd be home by 11 and it's 3:30. You have school tomorrow.

Y/n: mom, I'm sorry my phone-

Y/m: I don't care y/n, just go to bed. We'll talk about this later.

You go upstairs and get in bed. "What even happened" you thought to yourself. You couldn't remember anything from the party. You then feel your eyes start to close, and you fall asleep.

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