Baby Avery, Chapter 3

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Y/f/n: your friends name
~2 weeks later~
It's finally spring break. Over the past 2 weeks, you and jack have been talking over Snapchat. He hasn't mentioned anything about Daniels party.

You and your mom have a fun trip to NYC planned for the break. It's your first time in the big city. You're talking to your friend on the phone as you pack.

Y/f/n: are you excited for New York y/n..?

Y/n: YES! I can't wait! But there's one thing I'm kinda nervous about...

Y/f/n: what...

Y/n: I've been feeling kinda off lately,

Y/f/n: like, in what way?

Y/n: I don't know, I've just been feeling kinda nauseous, and light headed recently...

Y/f/n: OMG Y/N!

Y/n: what...?

Y/f/n: y/n, have you ever 'done it' with anyone..?

Y/n: what... psh no. There's no way I could be pregnant.

Y/f/n: oh yea, well what about that one night..? At Daniels birthday party...? With that one jack kid

Y/n: how do you know about that...

Y/f/n: oh come on y/n, I could hear you moaning from across the building.


Y/f/n: hahaha, jk, but maybe you should consider taking a pregnancy test.

Y/n: I seriously don't think I am.

Y/f/n: better to be safe than sorry....

Y/n: I gotta go, I'll text you later.

Y/f/n: ok bye! Have fun in New York!

Could I really be pregnant...?

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