( vee was being complicated and didnt want to send her questions! )

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tagged by eggyoongi
we're that trio who keeps tagging each other cuz we have no friends

— you must post all the rules
— you must respond
— each person must answer 13 questions
— you have to tag 13 people
— make 13 questions for others
— tag backs are allowed
— if you don't do the tag, that sucks ;(
— be creative with the title

1. socks or no sock?
depending on the weather, but right now, socks all the way

2. if someone offered to buy you any item that you wanted (only one), what would you want?
it depends who's asking but it would either be food or merch

3. what's 9+10 (i'm sorry it's my brother's demand)
trick question — left unsolved

4. are you for or against putting your bra on top of your shirt and why?
like lisa's outfit in aiiwyl? feeling neutral about it — i wouldnt wear it but i don't mind it when others do

5. what types of books do you read here?
anything really — just not into the gay stuff. i like more gangster, underworld stuff

6. do you play superstar bts? if so, what's your favourite song to play on?
yes, i'm beating you btw @/vee — fun boyz cuz its my highest score

7. would you play bts world? and what would you do to the members?
yes, uh manage them? weird question deir my friend

8. if tae offered you a pair of crocs, would you wear them?
yes, during summer

9. outdoors or indoors?
depends, indoors with windows open

10. a subject you would want to have in school.
just a class where we're free to do what we want — kinda like a self study period

11. do you watch the olympics? if so, what has been your favourite moment so far?
i've watched a bit — the opening ceremony, when all the countries are being presented and they walk into the arena. i thought it was really cute the little dance the people in red were doing.

12. what is your to-go move when you dance?

13. if a makeup artist did your makeup, which type look would you want to have?

1. one thing you need but don't want.
2. the best sleeping position is...
3. any colour would you like to dye your hair?
4. one fashion item that you would use everyday.
5. are you double jointed?
6. do you have birthmarks?
7. one thing you wish your school would change.
8. favourite bts album and why
9. a picture of your favourite plushy
10. do you like antique stuff?
11. something that you and your sibling(s) never agree on
12. do you sometime act like a baby to your parents?
13. do you act differently depending on the group of friends you're with?

jabajeon ultzzang eggyoongi
intrestellar i see you

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