tagged by JUNGPAPI
i've come to a conclusion that ssbts hates me and wants me deadtwo;
i would complain to my mom that she keeps listening to the same songs but i cant say that i'm any differentthree;
i speak an unknown language aka teochew//not many ppl know it and it's sad rllyfour;
i'm left handed and it's a huge pain in the assfive;
my math teacher forgot i existed and asked if i was always there when i raised my hand//like scuse me but you walk past me every classsix;
i listen to music to sleepseven;
i tend to sleep at like 8 and then wake up at 3 in the morning and i stay awake till i get back home from schooleight;
not a huge fan of winter olympics but i like watching figure skatingnine;
i tend to do things last minute and then stressing over itten;
intolerant to apples/peaches/¿nectarine?/pears/carrots/and otherseleven;
i'm a mix of vietnamese, cambodian and chinese lmao three in one specialtwelve;
i can speak fluently 3 languages but can understand very basic stuff up to 6//excluding the three that i already knowthirteen;
happy lunar year//you guys are now a year oldertagging;
ultzzang intrestellar eggyoongi JUNGPAPI (tag back?) @ineedmorefriendshmu