Chapter 9

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I stayed up all night, but it was worth it. I finally finished.

"You ok, bro?" Will asks.

"Yeah, you look dead, man," Henry adds, as I shrug it off.

"I stayed up all night, writing a song..and I'm gonna sing it at the dance," I tell them.

"Omg, dude," Will facepalms.

"You one crazy dude, bro," Henry laughs, as Riley and Maya come to greet us.

"Hey, Riles," I jokingly greet Sara, as Maya shoots me a protective look.

"Only I can call her Riles," Maya shoots me a look.

"Sorry, best friend," I nervously chuckle.

"I'm her best friend, Aiono," Sara says, as they link arms, then she starts giggling. (A/N: did u guys get that close gmw ref;) "But what's that I hear 'bout a song?"

"Romeo, here, wrote a song, staying up all night," Henry teases, as Maya gasps.

"So was that poem that you made into a song..?" Sara asks me, as I try to hide my goofy grin.

I nod," I couldn't leave it open ended, so I properly ended it.."

"Can I see it?" Sara's face brightens up.

"Can I see your lyrics?" I ask her, as she shoots me a confused look. I point to her phone, opened to notes.

"I'll show you later, ok?" I ask her.

"Well that means I have all day to bug you for it," Sara giggles, as Maya and Henry exchange smiles.

"Well, we better get to STEM on time," Maya and Henry say.

"And..Chess club is waiting," Will sheepishly walks off, as Sara and I start walking side by side to ELA.

"I didn't know Will played Chess," I murmur with a giggle.

"And I didn't know you were that into music," Sara giggles, as I laugh.

"Then you don't know the real Alex Aiono," I wittily tell her.

"You mean, the real MARTIN Alexander Aiono?" She shoots me back, as I nod, frustrated. 

"Besides the point, yes I'm that into music. I'm an addict," I confess, her being a fan, probably knows that already.

"I'm Sara Wilson, your fellow music addict. Nice to meet you," Sara jokingly introduces herself, as I shake her hand.

"I prefer more of a hug than a handshake. But ok, Mari," she jokingly says, as I immediately embrace her into a hug.

"Now, can we go to ELA?" I ask her,"without Ms. Crabtree yelling at us.."

"You're not fun, Martini," Sara rolls her eyes, crossing her arms. 

I grab her hand, dragging her along with me to class. I already have enough tadies..

 *Sara's POV*

Woah..that was fast.

"Right on time, for the first time," Ms. C welcomes us in, as we find our regular seats.

"2 seconds to spare before the tardy bell, that's surprising," Di comments," I thought you'd be "talking" again.."

"We were talking..but omg, Diamond," I understand what she meant, as Alex shoots me a questioning look. (A/N: I'm listening to Question rn;)

"But you belong together," Di coos, as Alex gives me "now I understand" look.


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