Chapter 5

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(Note: This chapter jumps between Wendy's and Dipper's POVs very often, this is the only chapter where I will do this.)

(Note 2: This chapter is a lot longer and was originally two parts; didn't want to split this chapter up for story's sake, my apologies for the length.)

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Dipper jumped awake and sat bolt upright in bed and took in his surroundings. He was in a hospital room, a nightstand overflowing with "Get Well" cards, flowers and candies sat next to the bed, a row of three empty chairs sat at the foot of the bed, a desk with a cushioned chair sat against the wall where a second hospital bed would've been. Outside the window, the sun shone as if nothing in the world could go wrong today.

Dipper swung his feet over the edge of the bed and pressed the button that signaled for assistance from a nurse. After waiting ten minutes and pressing the button twice, Dipper got up and gingerly walked into hallway.

"Excuse me, Miss?" Dipper tried to get a passing nurse's attention.

The woman kept walking as if nothing had happened. Instead of panicking, Dipper tried to get someone else's attention.

"Sir, could you please help me?" Dipper asked as he followed and tried to grab the shoulder of a male nurse passing by.

The moment Dipper's hand should have touched the man's shoulder, it went straight through and the man continued on as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, this is giving me some bad flashbacks." Dipper remarked as he remembered the mishap during Mabel's sock opera.

As Dipper lifted his hand to inspect it before remembering that his left hand had been beyond broken from the accident- the accident! Dipper ran back into his room and saw his body laying in the bed; a set of monitors kept track of his heartbeat, brain activity and other vitals, his left arm and leg had casts around them and he had bandages on his left shoulder, the entire left side of his head and the left side of his torso along with a neck brace. The most sobering sight was that his body was breathing on its own.

"Okay, okay..." Dipper began as he tried to calm himself down, "You've been through weider things before, this will be ok."

"Are you sure about that, Pine-tree?" An all too familiar and haunting voice asked from behind Dipper.

As he turned around in horror, Dipper was greeted with Grunkle Stan grinning in the doorway with everyone walking by him as if he were one of the building's structural columns. His eyes were no longer their normal brown, or even surrounding by the usual white - instead, the whites of his eyes were yellow, and the pupils had been extended to black slits.

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Wendy slowly opened her eyes in the waiting room and winced as she remembered her injuries. Her cuts had been bandaged, she had been given a sling for her arm and some pain meds for the whiplash. It was the day after the crash now, but the pain still lingered, even through the medication.

Feeling a bit stir crazy, Wendy sat up - trying not to disturb Mabel sleeping next to her, and began to walk where she could in the hospital. As she walked, Wendy couldn't help but picture what Dipper looked like the last time she had been let in to see him; he was still breathing on his own, but it seemed like his entire left side was one big bandage. The doctors had said he was lucky to be alive, but all Wendy wanted him to be right now was conscious.

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