Chapter 4

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Zach once again watches her leave. He shakes his head and laughs a defeated laugh. He turns around to walk to his locker room to get his books. The whole way his mind was going over the conversations he had had with Ashley, wondering if he had asked her the right way, if what he said was okay. By the time he had reached his locker, every thought circled around Ashley, and he couldn’t control it. He was staring into his locker, forgetting what he wanted, when someone claps him on the back, hard.

Zach jumps in surprise, and turns around to see Cameron smiling at him. “Hey Zach. What’s up? Aren’t you meant to be at Music?” Cameron says.

“Um, yeah. I was just getting my books,” Zach says distractedly.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Cameron says, concern clearly shown on his face.

Zach shakes his head, smiling. “Yeah, man, I’m fine,” he says, quietly.

Cameron smiles. “I know that look. Some girl’s declined a very elegant invitation for a date, huh?” he says.

Zach’s eyebrows furrow. “Yeah, you could say that. See you at lunch,” he says.

Cameron is alarmed at how distant Zach seems. “Zach, you know you can tell me anything,” he says, quietly and sincere.

Zach takes a big breath. “I know. Thanks, for everything,” he says, patting Cameron on the shoulder and walking away. “Bye!”

“See you,” Cameron replies.

Zach walks to the Art’s building. He sees the room, and looks through the window. Ashley is there at a piano, seeming to be in deep concentration. Her fingers fly over the keys, creating a tune so beautiful everyone in the room stops playing themselves, and just listens. Ashley’s eyes are closed, her face starting to twist into a smile. She finishes a few minutes later, and she suddenly realizes that everyone is looking at her. Zach chooses his timing right, and walks in so that all the attention is on him, sparing Ashley from discomfort.

He opens the door, and all eyes turn on him. He smiles, and waves at everyone.

“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late Miss McNealy, I – Um – I had an issue, at the office,” he explains.

“Oh no, that’s fine, Zach! Come and have a seat. We’re just having some free time on the piano, or any instrument,” Miss McNealy explains.

“So I can play the guitar, then?” he asks.

“Yep, whatever you want,” she replies.

Zach nods and looks at Ashley to see her staring at him.  She quickly looks back at her piano sheet music. She’s uncomfortable, Zach can tell. He smiles and walks to the back where a small room holding the instruments is. He chooses a guitar covered in postage stamps on the back, and walks back into the main room. Everyone looks at him; they always are.

“Hey Zach! Come sit with us!” calls out Michael, waving him over to them, a small group of the ‘cooler’ people.

“Nah, it’s alright. I’m just going to sit over here today. Thanks anyway,” he says, smiling.

“Um, okay? Have fun,” Michael says, a tad bit confused.

Zach walks over to a seat, closer to Ashley than the rest of the group but not close enough to raise suspicion. He sits down, and starts to tune the guitar. Everyone goes back to playing their instruments. He finished tuning and started playing his favourite song on guitar, ‘On Your Porch’ by the Format. It wasn’t exactly his favourite song, but at the moment it mirrored his feelings perfectly.

Zach starts humming the tune. People listen, but keep playing. Then he starts singing. Ashley stops playing and turns around, and suddenly, no one else is in the room.  Ashley is staring at Zach in wonder. She knew that he was in a band, but never knew that he was the lead singer, or that he was really that good. The room has gone quiet. Zach keeps playing, but he doesn’t look at Ashley, just stares at his guitar.

I was on your porch

The smoke sank into my skin, so I came inside to be with you 

And we talked all night

About everything you could imagine, cause come the mornin I'll be gone 

And as...our eyes start to close

I turn to you and I let you know, 

...That I love you...

Well my dad was sick 

And my mom she cared for him 

Her love it nursed him back to life 

And me I ran

I couldn't even look at him

For fear I'd have to say goodbye

And as...I start to leave

He grabs me by the shoulder and he tells me,

"What's left to lose?

You've done enough...

And if you fail well then you fail but not to us

Cause these last three years, I know they've been hard

But now it's time to get out of the desert and into the sun 

Even if it's alone...."

So now here I sit, in a hotel off of Sunset 

While my thoughts bounce off of Sam's guitar

And that's the way it's been, ever since we were kids but now, 

Now we've got somethin to prove

And I...

I can see their eyes 

But tell me somethin....can they see mine?

Cause what's left to lose?

I've done enough...

And if I fail well then I fail but I gave it a shot 

And these last three years, I know they've been hard

But now it's time to get out of the desert and into the sun

Even if it's alone....

(Even if it's alone)

Even if it's alone....

I was on your porch last night

The smoke it sank into my skin....

As he sings the last words, he looks up Ashley and smiles sadly.

Ashley wipes a tear from her eye, and smiles back.

“Wow, dude, I never knew you were so deep,” Michael jokes, breaking through the silence. Everyone laughs. Zach looks down in annoyance. There was a moment where Ashley was looking at him in admiration. But it was gone now. She had turned around and was playing a song on the piano now. It was quiet, but Zach recognised the song. It was the same one he had played seconds before.

She turns around and smiles knowingly.

“Okay, class! The bell is going to ring soon, so pack up,” the teacher calls out.

Ashley gets up and slides the cover back on. She picks up the sheet music and walks away to gather her books. Zach gets up as well and puts his guitar back. He turns around and stops. Ashley is there, standing in the doorway, not smiling but not frowning either.

“Hey, you know what you said earlier? About having a place where I can be myself? If you still want to, I’d like to go,” she says, taking a step closer to him.

“Sure, if you want. When are you free?” he asks, smiling a wide and happy smile.

Ashley couldn’t help but smile back. “Saturday, 1pm, and I don’t know where you’re taking me,” she says.

“Meet me at McDonalds, the one near our school. I’ll take it from there,” he says.

“Okay. See you then,” she replies. Ashley walks out from the room, and just before she disappears, she turns around. “Zachary Porter? This is not a date,” she says, and then walks away.     

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