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Rye's POV

I tried to take deep breaths and calm down. Facing Leo turned out to be much more difficult than I'd imagined. Especially because she was with Andy and he had his arm wrapped around her.

I'd run down the stairs in such a rush, I'd almost bumped into them. I was confused, so confused.

R: What are you doing here?

A: Coming home.

He smiled at her and I could feel my blood boil. But then he looked back at me with the same loving expression and, finally, let go of her.

A: I'll leave you to it...

He went by me and up the stairs. I could hear him mumble to Jack and then I heard the door close.

There she was. She'd been crying, her eyes were all puffy and she looked tired. Wrapping her arms around her, she signaled that this was not only awkward to me. It was awkward for both of us, very awkward.

R: Why'd you leave?

I was trying to hide the fact I could've started crying right there and then, but my voice cracked and my body once again gave away my feelings. It always does that and i hate it. Why do i even bother to try and hide them when they always end up on display. 

L: I don't know... There was so much going on. I just had to get out.

Something told me she was lying, but my other half understood her. Today was a full day. Her first day back, and so much had happened. And i knew she blamed herself for half of it.

R: It's okay. I get that. So, we good?

L: Yeah, why not?

R: I was just wondering... with everything that's happening these days.

L: Rye.. i..i..

R: What?

My mind went to a million places. Did she want to go back? Start over? Was something wrong? What had happened between her and Andy? Was she okay? Did He do something.

L: Nevermind...

R: Don't do that.

L: Do what?

R: Don't hide stuff. Don't play strong. Just tell me... anything.

L: I..i..

There was a long pause and I went back to my initial thought about how she was lying about just being to stressed. What if something more was going on.

But then she looked up at me and smiled.

L: We're good. Everything's good. I.. I really like you.. like alot.

The sweet taste of the words took away the sorrow and worry. She was okay. And truly it had been alot.

I walked up to her and hugged her, breathed her in. She placed her hands around my torso, pulling me closer.

We remained in this heartfelt embrace for what felt like minutes. I was happy. Every second i got to be with her, hold her, I treasured. She smelt like matchsticks and oranges and although it was a very, very weird mix it awoke a bajillion butterflies in my stomach. She was everything. How could I have fallen so deep in so short?

When we parted I started to feel cold. I haden't noticed my body cool down while hugging her. She was shaking lightly too, so I grabbed her hand and nodded upwards. She smiled and we walked up the stairs back into the flat.

It was fixed. At least... almost. One thing left to do.

Everybody was in our room except Andy. Mikey said he was taking a shower, so I sat down with Leo and the others until he was done.

The energy was back up again and it made me happy. Leo was telling a story from her childhood about how one time she tried to eat a whole sandcake she had 'baked' just to prove to her parents that it was in fact edible. Brook couldn't stop laughing and was rolling around on his bunk. Jack was doing all the expressions you can imagine to show he was listening. And Mikey, well, he was doubting it. He threw in a few 'as if' s and 'yeah right' s but you could tell he also enjoyed the crazy story.

As for me, I wasn't actually listening. I'd gotten the gist of it, but I was thinking about what to tell Andy. How to make him see, that I didn't want to hurt him in the way i did.

He came out the shower in just his boxers and Mikey quickly covered Leo's eyes while she went into a fake fit about her 'pure, precious eyes'.

Me and the others giggled and I pushed myself to get up and walked over to Andy. I had to do this now, get it over with. Make everything be good again.

R: Hey, man... I didn't really mean all the nasty stuff I said before.

The others were back to talking about childhood and it's problems. Andy took me to the kitchen to talk.

We were here the second time that day. Talking about love and girls and fights and jealously. But this time j was determined to get an A, a good result.

A: I didn't really either... I hope you know that.

R: I do. I just... I was completely out of line. I'm sorry, Andy. I should've listened to you. You usually have the best advice.

A: Be careful. I'll quote you on that.

We laughed and suddenly I knew that this wasn't the end.
We were good. Me and Leo were good. Everything was rather perfect.

A: I still mean what I said thought. At least .. the part about you not hurting her.

R: I'm not gonna... And if I do, please kick me in the guts, okay?

A: Deal.

R: Deal.

And it was good. Everything was good.

Hello, exactly 1000 words.
[ insert excuse about not writing ]
[ add cheesy love for followers ]
Haha just kidding. I do love you all and am super thankful for you reading this stuff that i come up with. See you next chapter.

Insecure/Rye Beaumont Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now