Everyone Loves Antiques

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"Well, shit," you said while looking around the bridge of your tiny transport ship

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"Well, shit," you said while looking around the bridge of your tiny transport ship.

"What are we going to do now captain?" came the voice of the only engineer you kept on board from under the console they were repairing.

"Sylva, send out a distress signal and hail any passing ships in range. We're gonna need some help getting out of this one." Once she gave you an affirmative nod, you leaned back in your chair, thinking about everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours.

It all started when you were contacted by a trade shop on Alderaan. It seemed like an easy, routine trip. They wanted you to transport some old antiques from the twenty-first century to their sister shop halfway across the galaxy. But of course, your crew seemed to have a knack for getting caught in dangerous situations.

Only a few hours after you departed, your ship had been attacked by a group of smugglers. Apparently, there was some rare artifact within the crates you had been contracted to move. They came aboard to get what they wanted and in the process they wreaked havoc upon your precious ship, leaving you without defenses and only basic life support systems functioning. Thankfully, most of your crew escaped unscathed, and those who had gotten hurt weren't in critical condition. Now you were stranded, left to float through open space. All you could do was hope someone would come to your rescue.


Three days. It had been three days of sitting and waiting for an answer to the call. Your ship was starting to run low on emergency supplies, it wasn't fit for long time space travel. If nothing changed, you would be having to make very tough calls soon. You're pulled out of your thoughts by the voice of your first officer, and communications expert.

"Captain! A Starfleet ship is hailing us," Sylva tells you.

"On screen," you respond, coming out of your trance-like state, and try to keep a calm composure as a picture of the other ship's bridge is broadcasted in front of you. The image of a blond man, with beautiful eyes, is suddenly in front of you. His eyes hold a familiarity in them, the bright shade of blue making you feel nostalgic for a far-off time. But you can't remember ever meeting this man before. Straightening your back, you get ready to use your most authoritative captain voice.

"I am captain Y/L/N and our ship was attacked three days ago by a group of smugglers in search of an artifact we were transporting for an antique shop. They left us with minimal power and few supplies. We are in critical condition. It would be more than greatly appreciated if you could help us in this time of need."

As you spoke the man's eyebrows pulled together in a look of confusion until a realization dawned on him and an elated smile now covered his features.

"Y/N/N, I never thought I'd see you again, let alone stuck in deep space," his eyes twinkled with amusement as your features had their own turn at being pulled into confusion. "Then again, we never could stay out of trouble."

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