Chapter 12

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"When we lost in the court, I felt defenseless. Unable to provide for Maya or even myself. It was the worst feeling I've ever felt. I had to help Maya. It was my fault she's gone in the first place. I need to get her back. I need to see her again. I love her," ~Lucas Friar

(Lucas's POV)
  "Wake up, Lucas! Time for school!" I jolted up. I rolled my eyes then yelled back to my moms call, "Coming!" I reluctantly got out of my bed, remembering my strange dream.

Maya was standing there in the middle of a broken home. Doors creaking, swinging open and banging shut. Shards of wood sprawled around and windows shattered. She fell to the ground, unable to move because of the chains holding her back. She screamed and screamed. There was no way I could help. There was no way I could save her.

  I was already out the door, on my way to school. All of these thoughts kept me restless. What if Maya really was in danger? What if her father hurts her? This was becoming too much for me to handle. I had a one second chance to get on the other subway. That subway went to the court, rather than school. I set my foot on the step to school, but I bolted to the train on the other track.

   "Excuse me, I'm Lucas Friar. I need to find where Maya Hunter is," I told the lady at the desk. She looked through some papers, then turned to me, "Oh no no, those new records are confidential. And her name is Maya Hart, I believe." I shook my head, "I need to find her. Her father is not fit to take care of her." She stared at me with sharp eyes. After a minute of uncomfortably being stared at, she spoke, "I completely agree. I'll help you get her new address, as long as you promise me you have enough proof to win." I nodded. She took out a folder and handed it to me. "Now hurry, hurry!" She shooed my. I walked away speedily. I could finally save her. I would finally feel at peace.

(Maya's POV)

I creaked open the door to see Kermit crossing his arm with a scowl on his face. "Where were you two?" He screamed in my face. I was still holding Lilly, and I felt her shake in my arms. A tear bled into my jacket and I held her tighter. "We were, having a talk," I breathed. He spat on the old wooden floor and leaned in, "If this happens again, you two are dead!" He grabbed Lilly out of my arms and threw her to the ground As I leaned down to pick her up, her slapped my cheek. "Maya!" Carmen called. Lilly yelped in distress and Carmen ran to us. Was she finally going to stand up for herself? Finally get the respect she deserves? She reached out for us, but Kermit shoved her back. "No woman should disrespect her husbands orders!" He yelled. I pushed Lilly to the closet and she locked herself in. Kermit slammed on the door but couldn't seem to open it. "It doesn't matter. You're just a no good, useless female anyway. Inferior to a man's intelligence," He spat on the floor again.

The next day was quiet and awkward at the dinner table. The boys ate silently, and Lilly hardly touched her food. I wished that I was sitting at Riley's table eating Topanga's amazing food, laughing at Riley while she told us about Pluto and why she would never give up on it. She was always so hopeful. She dreamed and loved, and cried. All I ever did was cry, just not in front of people. I never had hope. Because hope is for suckers. Nothing will change for me, not even hope. Hope is just wishful thinking, dreaming of what could've been if you hadn't made so many dumb mistakes. It's all your fault and hope is just your vice; something that you think helps you, but ends up making things worse.

"Maya! Why aren't you eating your food?" Kermit screamed at me. I flinched and twirled my fork around my overcooked spaghetti. "Daddy, it's too hot," Lilly complained. Kermit slowly stood up from his chair and walked over to Lilly with a straight face. He bent down to her level. "It's too hot?" He asked with rage. Lilly squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop her tears. He snatched up the pile of brown noodles and shoved it in her face. We all gasped and Lilly choked for air. "Stop!" Carmen screamed. She ran to her daughter and yanked at Kermit's arms. "Kermit, stop!" I yelled. The boys wiped their faces, and hid them. I rushed to them. "Hurry, go to your room and lock the door," I whispered to them. They nodded with wet cheeks. They ran to the hall and I approached Kermit and Carmen, which were still fighting. Kermit's attention was taken away by Carmen's punches, so I grabbed Lilly and took her away.

Once I had her in the room with the boys', I hid inside with them, and locked the door. They helped me barricade it with a dresser and a book shelf. "Come on, we can stack more stuff, right?" I encouraged them. I looked around the room. I found a stack of old of records. Scotty came over to help me carry them to the barricade. "Thanks," I said to him. He shyly nodded. Cole and Lilly sat in the corner, sniffling their noses in tissues. "It'll be okay, guys. It'll all be better soon," I assured them. I walked to Lilly and Cole, Scotty followed me. We all sat in a circle and held each other close. "It'll be okay," I said again. Lilly sobbed and scotty wiped away a tear that he shed from one of his eyes.

"It'll be okay,"

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