Chapter 4

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I know now that my father was never exposed to the media as a criminal. Suzen never mentioned that my dad was the one who kept her father away. The reason Suzen used, to cover up for my dad as he stepped aside from presidency was that he was ill and had to recover. My dad said that the whole planet was in deep sadness once they knew the announcement, but he had to assure them that Suzen would make a great president along with Brody.

After Suzen took the lead, she transferred most of my Dad's work to other people which was logical enough to me after what had happened. Yes, we don't have the expensive cars, the private jets or any of that matter. But she left us the house. I thought she would at least take a part of it but she never did, she left the house, with its own guards (already getting paid by her) and its own gardens (also under her control). 


I got a job now, quite near the blue house. I thought working near would allow me to see Suzen but unfortunately I haven't seen her once this whole month. The people I'm working with recognized me the minute I walked in. They knew who I am and that I left to Earth, but they also knew that I had work to finish there which was the wrong way around. I was thankful though or else they would've kicked me out. I'm sure Suzen kept what happened a secret but I wonder why Brody agreed to that. Maybe he was too kind or forgiving like her. Anyway, allow me to tell you how things went this month.

Being so close I knew what her schedule would be at work, she had two meetings in the Four Square and three conferences in Riya(another city). So, I took my chance and had followed her to every meeting and every conference. Creepy I know, but what can a guy in love do? Unfortunately, I couldn't see her once not even from far away. She had bodyguards all around her keeping everyone away. And every time, I had to return back to my office looking like a zombie, but guess what?! That didn't stop me. I even went to the blue house about 3 times to meet her but every time I would get different excuses, either it was that she was busy or that she was not there at the time. And being the crazy guy I am I even went to her old house but was met with her brother which didn't turn out so well due to the fact that I returned home that day with a black eye and a bleeding nose. I don't understand though, how did this jerk turn out so protective and over whom?! Over Suzen.

It was so irritating I just wanted- and there my thoughts are interrupted by the cutest little kid I have ever seen. He is about 5 years old. He is wearing a red t-shirt with some blue jeans and he has that enduring look on his face. I walk up to him and ask him if he is okay and he replies that he feels some pain. I ask him where and the kid shows me the back of his arm. It is bleeding really bad. I carry him quickly and head to the infirmary that is close by. The doctor cleans up the cut and covers it up with a bandage. And as we make our way to the exit, the girl I've lost my mind thinking about comes in with a worried look on her face. My heart skips a beat and I think about running and embracing her but the little kid surpasses me and hugs her yelling "mommy!" She hugs him even tighter and then takes a look at his arm. And as she does my heart squeezes so tight in my chest, "mommy?!" No way, this can't be true. This is her son!? She has a son !? She is a mom?! Wait, what if it is true? What if he is really her son? That means he is also Brody's- Oh sh*t !

And as I try to push all my thoughts away I realize she is staring at me. I try to move but my legs stop in their place disobeying my brain. And before I can do anything she turns her head away, carries the boy and walks away. De ja vu. Before it was Brody and her, now it's his son and her.

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