Chapter 7

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After following her for 10 minutes we reach a beautiful, black, modern, two-story house placed next to a small, running river. The space around the house is tiled with blue marble radiating that calming ocean feels. Aside from that the whole house is surrounded with numerous plant types such as orchids and roses having that touch of professional landscaping.

I watch as Suzen pull into the drive way, before picking Doruk from the backseat and walking into the house. I follow what she does as well, until I reach the door. I hesitate a little about ringing but then I do it anyway. No matter what happens, I'm going to get her back. I ring the bell but get no answer so I wait for a few minutes before ringing it again. Once, twice, thrice until the sound of the bell becomes a melody and that when the door flies open and Suzen comes out "what the hell is wrong with you???" She screams right in my face. Her nose and cheeks having that faint color of red and her eyes throwing fire.

My body freezes and I just stare at her. My mind is blank, I'm not scared neither am I supposed to. I just stare like a damn idiot. She looks at me, her eyes widen, then she raises one brow and says, her tone filled with a hint of scorn "fine, you just wanna stare, go a head. But not at me but at the door," and with that she decides to shut the door close but I stop her by pushing the door back.

"No, wait. I'm sorry. Look, I need to talk to you. I need you to listen-" I start arguing more like pleading but she just shoots back "you've said enough already!  And she continues "now, please stop being a stalker and leave."

I take a step  back and she eases the door close. I close my eyes, hoping the the universe would just rotate backwards and we would go back to the past so I could change what happened and marry her instead of being the selfish, dumb guy I was.

I walk back to my car and pull out of the drive way but I don't go back home, instead I decide to take a tour around the neighborhood. I notice that the roads are lined with white lilies on each side and that the close by houses are mostly modern. Nothing special. Just a boring block . And as I make a u-turn so I could head back home I catch Suzen's car hitting the road.

Curiosity gets the best of me and I follow her. I stay right behind her but make no weird moves so I wouldn't get caught but it's not like she has noticed me anyway. Her car accelerates and she is moving fast. Fast enough like it's not real. I press the gas and I fly behind her.

I take a look at the speedometer and it keeps getting higher. She is way too fast. Way too fast, something feels wrong. Suzen loved the rush of adrenaline but not in city roads, not where people can be living. She always said safety comes first. I breath in and decide not to stop her.

I follow her, like I'm following her to the end of the world.

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