Chapter One: The Group Meets Nikki

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A/N: Hey, guys! So, this takes place after the end of season two, the summer before the kids all start high school

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A/N: Hey, guys! So, this takes place after the end of season two, the summer before the kids all start high school. I did this because then I'm not boxing myself in; plus, everyone writes about the same few moments in the show, which isn't a bad thing, but I thought you'd want something new. Enjoy!

*Nikki's POV*
Summer in Hawkins. By far the worst place to be during my vacation. My parents left for a tropical getaway in Hawaii, leaving me and my brother Steve alone for a few months.
"Hey there, Squirt," Steve greeted as I came into the kitchen one morning. It was eight, but he always woke up before I did so he could make breakfast and keep me company.
Yeah. To everyone at school, Steve Harrington was King Steve. The jock, the cool guy, the one who didn't give a- well, let's just say he gave off the Farrah-hair-don't-care vibe. (Steve doesn't let me swear, even though he has a sailor mouth. Hypocrite.) But to me, Steve was the best big brother ever. The one who cared, the one who is there to dry my tears when Mom and Dad fought and made me laugh when I thought I'd never smile again.
"Morning, Hairboy," I replied. "Where were you last night?" Steve had been out pretty late,  it being the last day of school and all.
   "There was an eighth grade graduation party for some of Dustin's friends. I would've taken you, but I figured you didn't want to go, for obvious reasons." Steve looked at me sympathetically. He had become friends with Dustin Henderson for some reason the previous winter, and had been hanging out with them ever since. I never hung out with them, but Steve spent a lot of time at Dustin's.
   "I graduated eighth grade this year, too, ya know," I grumbled, taking the bowl of corn flakes Steve had fixed for me.
   Steve sighed. "Yeah, but you didn't want to have a graduation party. You don't talk to anyone in your school!"
   "Yeah, coz they're all juvenile dipshi-"
   I looked down. "It's true," I mumbled.
   "You might want to actually get to know some of them before going around calling them dipshits. I mean, some of them are, but Dustin isn't a dipshit. He's pretty cool-" He stopped himself. "He's fun to hang around."
   "If you love him so much, marry him." I started to walk out of the kitchen, but the doorbell rang, making me walk back in to put down my cereal, then into the entryway to answer the door.
   Speak of the devil. "Hey there." Dustin Henderson smiled uneasily at me, his face crinkling up. "I'm Dustin. Is Steve here?"
   "I know who you are. We've been in the same classes since the fourth grade, Dustin." I was too pissed off to even worry about the fact that I was still wearing my pyjamas. And bunny slippers.
   Steve could smell the resentment in my voice from a mile away. "Hey, Dustin. You know Nikki, right?" He came up behind me, pulling my arm back and shielding me slightly from Dustin.
   "Uh...yeah. We've- we've met." Dustin looked between me and Steve. "Sorry, dude, did you- did you not want to hang out today?"
   Steve looked at me. "Do you mind?" he asked.
   "Not at all." What was I supposed to say? No, Steve, you're not allowed to bring friends into your house. Like, I'm not that big of a bitch!
   Steve smiled at me. "Cool. You wanna hang out with us?"
   I wanted to say no, but the look in Dustin's eyes made me rethink it. Seriously, he's like a freaking puppy dog! "Um... sure. Just let me change." Forgetting about my cereal, I dashed upstairs, putting on a fresh outfit and brushing my hair out a little. I wasn't even the least bit stylish, but I was hanging out with two guys, so I didn't really care.
   When I came downstairs, Steve and Dustin were nowhere to be found. "Steve? Where'd ya go?"
I heard whispering in the basement. Walking closer to the door, I could make out some of what the whispers were saying.
"What about the Demogorgon?" I heard Dustin ask.
Demogorgon? What the hell?
"Dude, she can't. Know." Steve put emphasis on the last word. Did he mean me?
"Come on, Steve. She's your sister." Yup, they were talking about me.

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