RD's original home inffo

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▪Naindra plane:
The Naindra plane is an astral plane located on the highest point of the center of the multiverse, time doesn't exist there so there are no clocks anywhere.
From Naindra you can see the entire multiverse, all of the dimensions and all of the planets and galaxies.
It is said that Naindra is the most beautyful plane in all existence.
Naindra lacks of dimensions and galaxies.
It only disposes of three planets; the first planet to exist on Naindra, named Home Planet, wich is RD's home, the second planet to exist on Naindra, named Laikwarp, also known as Earth 2 and the youngest of the planets on Naindra, named Yhelquir.

In this part I'll be talking only about Home Planet and Laikwarp, as they're related to RD.

▪Home Planet:
Home Planet is the oldest and biggest of the three Naindra planets, it is also located on Naindra's core.
Due to that, the planet recives a lot of magic energy, causing all of it's inhabitants to have different magical abilities.
Home Planet is a very variated planet and you can find almost every biome on it.
The entire planet is ruled by two people and their pupil.
Home Planet is a very pacific planet, and it's considered the most pacific planet in the existence.
The part where RD lives is named Natural Zone-U8, it is a zone full of hills, forests and such, it also has a beach that RD loves visiting.
But the most important thing about that zone is that the people who rule Home Planet live there, they have a big castle that is colored dusty deep sea blue.

Laikwarp is one of the alternative Earths, it is also the one that resembles the Primal Earth the most, the Primal Earth is our Earth, all of the others are copies with changes on them.
Laikwarp is a planet free of all pollution, it is also habitated by different creatures, most of them pacific.
It also is the planet in wich RD lived for two years after getting exiled from Home Planet.



Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Family: Adara(adoptive sister) Lanur (adoptive brother) Zaradrha(adoptive mother) Relvex(adoptive father)
Personality: Adventurous, kind, funny, brave, confident, comprehensive and tomboy-ish
Current Status: Dead(May 28 of 2013)

Age: 8
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown/Too young
Family: Julia(aunt) Mike(cousin)
Personality: Naive, kind, pure hearted, humble
Current Status: Living on Laikwarp with his family

Age: 21
Gender: Trans male
Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual
Family: Julia(mother) Mike(cousin)
Personality: Calm, funny, hardworker, humble, multi-talented, good with kids, helpful
Current Status: Living on Laikwarp with his family

Age: 18
Gender: Genderfluid
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Family: None
Personality: Calm, colected, serious, private, hard trusting, dark humour does it
Current Status: Unknown

Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Family: Deku(brother)
Personality: Cheerful, funny, atlethic, the mother of the group, good with kids, humble, kind
Current Status: Living on the Android Armor's planet with his brother, working on the updates


▪The Overuler:
Age: As old as the Home Planet
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown, probably heterosexual
Family: Blindfold(wife) Moird(pupil)
Personality: Serious, sharp, cold, dominant
Current Status: Ruling Home Planet with his family

Age: As old as the Home Planet
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown, probably heterosexual
Family: The Overuler(husband) Moird(pupil)
Personality: Serious, sharp, cold most of the time, mother figure
Current Status: Ruling Home Planet with her family

Age: As old as The Overuler and Blindfold's marriage
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Family: The Overuler("father") Blindfold("mother")
Personality: Bratty, arrogant, god complex, rude, selfish
Current Status: Living on Home Planet with his family


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