Companion-E-L-B (REBOOT)

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This is a reboot of one of my old species, the first time I created them they where semi-open, meaining that you could create 6 for free but after that, you would need to purchase MYO slots, the pic up there will be on digital.

This is a reboot and the specie is no longer semi-open, now is a closed specie.


The CELB are a specie that was artificially created by humans on the year 3820.

E-L-B stands for Experimental Living Beings.

On the year 2580 a war broke on the planet Earth, the humanity got divided on four bands, represented by four colors, electric cyan, mint green, sun yellow and blood red.

Each band fought against the orther three for the total control over Earth.

Two years later, on 2582 the red band shot a bomb that destroyed the cyan zone, the destruction was so much that that quarter of the planet had desapeared, it had even destroyed part of the red zone.

Some time later, after perfectioning the bomb, the red band shot it to the green zone, the bomb destroyed all life on the zone and caused a massive radioactive desert.

There were two bands now, the red one and the yellow one.
The two bands decided to join forces, naming themselves The Amber.

Even though the bands were one now, people were still divided, the big majority of the population was poor, so they kept on stealing from the rich.
The only solution that the rich found was training dogs to patrol and attack robbers.
But most of the animals were dead due to the war, the great liders ordered the scientists to "update" the dogs, creating the Biohounds.

These are dogs with robotic modifications that make them inmune to diseases and aging.
They also have the ability of speaking with both, animals and humans.
They are better, faster and stronger and they don't need feeding.

These are the specie itself, they are living beings artificially created by the scientists, their purpose is simple, some are just a fancy companion, others are bodyguards, others patrol along the Biohounds, others help elders, others work along humans, etc...
Some CELBs have special abilities like magic and such.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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