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Stacy's POV

Ugh this is so boring the club shut down and , I don't like any other club. Damn me !

I guess this is what I deserve for being too picky choosy whatever you call it but I'm it.

I guess I have to stay in for this Weekend, how boring . Oh wait , I could call Beth and Scarlett over I'm sure they have nothing whatsoever to do too since they are picky like me and their favorite club is my favorite too.

Well I guess I better invite them over .

( Phone conversation S- Stacy Sc- Scarlett)

'' Ello '' she answered with the third ring that girl always has her phone with her .

'' hey , I was wondering if you and Beth would like to come over ya know the club shut down '' I said and I hear her gasp .

'' What the fudge ? oh my god !". she yelled through the phone

'' hey' I don't want to be def alright '' I scolded

'' sorry , sorry I'm coming over in like an hour or so '' she said

'' okay call Beth too'' I said

'' okay bye babe see you later ''

'' okay ''

(end of phone call)

I hang up and keep my phone away . I have one hour I guess I should take a shower , I stink.

Scarlett's  POV

Where the heck is my coat!!!? This is so annoying . I keep on searching until I hear a knock on my door ''what do you want Kenneth ?" I asked , Kenneth is my brother who is 16 years old he is the most annoying brother you could ask for . '' I'm inviting Kendall over and were gonna be needing some ALONE time so please don't bother us '' he pleads '' fine '' I huff Jesus, teenagers and their hormones . "ahaha!" I exclaim I found my coat which is beige  in color .

I put it on and slip my Vans on then tie my hair in a high ponytail and I was ready to go. I already called Beth she said shed meet me there .

I take my phone and some money then locked my room heading to the front door . I get my keys from the key bowl as Ken would like to call it and unlocked the front door making my way to the garage , I pressed a button and the garage door opened revealing my beautiful baby .My car is a black Audi I'm seriously in love with my car .

I hopped in and drove off to Stacy's blasting 5SOS She looks so perfect and singing along to the lyrics .

Beth's POV ( A/N Stacy Beth is playing Chelsea's role )

I'm finally done with my make up and head downstairs getting my car keys then heading off to Stacy's .

It's a bummer that the club shut down it used to be my favorite it used to be all of our favorite now it's just gone , BAM just like that .  Okay I need to blast some music or this ride wont be fun , I blast Justin Beiber Confident and sing along . Oh and by the way my car is a white range rover cute right? Scarlett hates white cars but I love white cars it makes me look my lady like ' well that's what I think . Stacy likes black cars too I guess I'm the odd one out .

Zayn's POV

  Her friends are coming over , Harry will love this I mean he'd love to see Scarlett she's his mate and her is head over heels for her . But I , I am head over heels for Stacy she's just so perfect her beautiful brown eyes and almost black , brown hair and her body , man she's hot . Call me a stalker if you want but I'm only protecting her and I lobe her so its my duty .

I gotta call Harry '' I'm already here mate ''  I heard a voice from my right and I almost fell from the wall I was sitting on '' shit Haz ! You scared the shit out of me '' I scolded and he chuckled'' sorry mate I heard Scarlett was coming over '' he smiled at that thought I know he's happy , of course he is he's gonna see his mate after all.

Harry's POV

I was hunting when I heard Zayn's loud thoughts saying that I'd be happy because Scarlett my mate is going over to Stacy's and Zayn is there right now stalking her , you name it so I should go accompany him so you know I'll get to see Scarlett .

But first I need to hide these human's body I killed about four humans today all I've been drinking is animal blood and I couldn't resist when I saw these four people walking out here their blood just smelled so good .But not as good as Scarlett's oh, how I would love to taste her but I'd never do such a thing without her permission . I know I have to take it slow with her she's just so casual she is like OCD about her life but I love her .

I've finally hidden their bodies and now I'm off to see my mate and accompany Zayn . Well that's an excuse

Stacy's POV

I hear two cars pull over my drive way and go outside only to fine my two best friends we squealed and huddled up in a group hug ''hi girls '' I said '' hey '' both of them chorused '' let's go inside '' I suggest '' nooo  I want to go to Starbucks cm'on Stacy don't be a lazy bum ''Scarlett said and I groaned nodding '' okay come inside I'll get ready '' I said and they nodded .

I'm finally ready and we all head off to Starbucks in our own different cars my car is a BMW 4 series which is navy blue in color .

We are bow at Starbucks is enjoying our drinks when the clinging of the bell got our attention . A costumer had come in I pay attention to Beth again who was telling us a about something but then I just couldn't I had this urge to turn my head to the right as I did I saw him Zayn Malik he's a criminal World's most wanted along with his team mate Harry ,Harry's even more dangerous . They walked towards us and even the girl's attentions shot up to them I notice Harry winking at Scarlett and she scowled she knew exactly who they were in fact she was the one who told us about them .I wonder how they are walking free like birds all around like this shouldn't someone be calling the police . '' Hello '' Zayn spoke and smiled '' hey Scarlett '' Harry smirked ''  go to jail '' Scarlett spat she shouldn't be doing that ! I am here literally shitting in my pants right now and she's trying to be wonder woman .

'' Feisty Harry I like your girl '' Zayn said smirking '' what I'm not anybody's girl FYI '' Scarlett stood up while me and Beth shiver out of fright , Scar has always been the brave one she like the knight in shining armor of our group .

"aww baby we just came to say Hello '' Harry said with a smile then not of them left .

'' what just happened ?" I asked panic clear in my voice '' I have no idea '' Beth answered '' how does he know my name ? '' Scarlett asked worry in her expression .

How does Harry Edward Styles know Scarlett Crystal Hoovers name ?

Harry one of the most wanted criminal in the world a killer knows my Best Friend's name .

Hiallthisismyfirstbooksopleasedon'tjudgeorsendhatethatwouldhurta lot . Sopleasereaditandtryitoutifthereare anyerrorsI'llmakesuretoeditthemsoon . Ifyoulikeitthenpleasevoteandcommentandfollowmeitonly takesfivesecondsplease .


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