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Well it turns out that I kind of hate this story. I was reading over the old chapters and I just realized that they were so horrible and I feel like I moved their relationship to fast. So instead of just editing them and reposting them I'm going to rewrite the whole thing. The main plot won't change but I'm going to be adding in a lot more detail and back story and stuff to the new version. It's still going to be super fluffy but I'm going to add a bit more angst and intensity to the beginning chapters. I just really felt like I made things too easy, too happy, Norway/Lukas was too out of character and rushed the plot too much. I'm also changing the title to "the dragons sacrifice". Once I've finished the new version I will most likely delete this one. Also I made Viking paper doll for them

Dragons sacrifice(a DenNor fanfic) old version Where stories live. Discover now