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I had fun with bambam over the weekend. It's now Monday.. but i wish it was still the weekend. Me and Bambam chilled at his house on Friday, Saturday we went around the city, and had dinner at a fancy restaurant, Bambam's choice, i scolded him because I don't like fancy places but he doesn't care, and Yesterday, Yesterday was fun, we got ice cream and walked around the park, then walked a trail into the forest and had a peaceful talk. It was calming and i liked it. I learned more about bambam, i told him some things but let him talk more. This is the type of bambam i want all the time, the one who i can talk to, not hate. I have no school today so I'm just laying in bed, staring at my phone.




I get three messages straight away. I click Bambam's first.

KunKun✌🏻: i feel lonely without you on the bus.. and now someone sat with me and I don't know them

I smile and text him back

Mark😒: aww little baby bam is lonely 😂

KunKun✌🏻: aish hyung why do you have to stay home?

Mark😒: calm down child, you'll survive

KunKun✌🏻: can i come over after school?

I blush and and stare at my phone. He's never been at my house. I don't want him to see how i live. I glance at the tøp vinyl hanging above my bed and sigh.

Mark😒: how about i pick you up from the bus stop and i take you out for pizza yeah?

KunKun✌🏻: are you serious?! You promise?

I smile and chuckle. "Aish Bambam-ah.."

Mark😒: i promise.

I then open Jackson's message.

Jackson👌🏻: I'm collecting all the homework from your classes and giving them to you, also you are gonna miss a test from calculus

Mark😒: actually give them to KunKun and ughhhhhhh

Jackson👌🏻: alright i'll give them to your boyfriend, and yeahh you better study


I huff and blush, hiding under my blankets. I open Jaebum's message.

JB💪🏻: Kakuji is staring at bambam with this look that screams lust, want me to watch over bambam today? Make sure Kakuji doesn't try anything?

Mark😒: that bastard better not even dare go near bambam, his damn issue is with me not him

JB💪🏻: damn, you sure want bambam all protected 😉😏

Mark😒: shut up and make sure Kakuji doesn't try anything

I turn my phone off and growl to myself. "That damn bastard.."

I walk along side of Jaebum and Jackson. They seem to be looking for someone. "Hyungs.." "hm?" Jaebum hummed. "Why are you guys acting like bodyguards?" I giggle. Jackson wrapped an arm around my shoulder and chuckled. "Kakuji has his eyes on you, especially since Mark isn't gonna be here all week, so you are an open target" Jackson snickered. "Ugh" I whine and cross my arms. "Don't worry kid, i'll be keeping watch" Jaebum mumbled and stopped in front of a class room "class it about to start, Jackson is gonna go drop you off, or watch you go, either way be careful, if you can't find us, then go stick close with Jinyoung and Yugyeom" Jaebum said before giving Jackson a two finger salute and entering his class. Jackson waved "now luckily my class is next to yours, so let's get going!" Jackson said happily. I groan "i hate school"

Once first period was finished, i walked out and headed to my locker. "Where's prince charming?" I hear someone ask and i turn around to see who. Shit it's that brat Kakuji. I decided to Not say anything and just open my locker, but before i could even grab my books, Kakuji closed my locker harshly and got real close to my ear. Ew. "I guess you'll have to deal with me~" he purred in my ear. I scoff and turn around, pushing him away harshly. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me close. "Don't worry princess.. he won't keep you for long.." i was about to say something when all of sudden, Jaebum came over and pushed Kakuji away forcefully. "Stay away from him Kakuji, he doesn't need your sexual harassment" Jaebum growled out.

It's 2:05, means school is out. Takes 20 minutes for the bus to get to the stop. I change into some comfortable clothing and sigh. Black t-shirt, dark blue jeans jacket, and blue ripped skinny jeans. I put my shoes on and fix my hair before looking at my phone. "10 more minutes.." might as well start heading there.

I lean on the stop sign and sigh softly. I see the bus pull up and stop, letting some of the people out. I spot bambam and smile slightly. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "Woah there, what's this?" I chuckle and hug back. "Kakuji.. he told me something.. it bothered me the rest of the day.." i frown and pull my phone out.


Jb texted me. I keep an arm around bambam as we walk and unlock my phone with the other.

JB💪🏻: he wants to meet you behind the school around 6, don't worry though, me and Jackson will handle him before you get there

I roll my eyes and text back.

Mark😒: he is getting an earful from me.

I lock my phone and slip it into my pocket. "What did he say to you" i ask and let go of bambam. He sighed softly "he asked me where you were.. then.. he said 'i guess you'll have to deal with me' i pushed him away but then he grabbed me by the arm and said 'don't worry princess.. he won't keep you for long'.. i have never felt so disgusted in my life" Bambam shivers and hugs himself. I gently take his backpack from him and decided to hold it for him as we walked. "Don't worry.. hopefully it won't happen again" i growled out and bambam blushed.

They way he growls makes me feel a certain way. It's weird. But I'm glad Mark is the protective type. Oh god, does it sound like... nope nope nope. We are only friends. We walk until we get to the pizza place. He opens the door for me and i thank him before going inside. I look around before i feel him gently grab my arm and lead me to a table. "Wait here, i'll go order our food" i nod and sit, going on my phone.


Yugy texted me.. weird. I decided to answer him

Yugyeom😇: bambam! You have to come over my place! Me and Jinyoung are going to practice for the dance team, this could be your chance to show us what you got!

Crap. What am I supposed to tell him? Or should i just explain to Mark i have to go? "I'm back" i snap out of my thoughts and see Mark smiling as he places the pizzas on the table. He looks happy.. it's cute.. I don't want to make him mad. "Thanks, i'll pay you back-" "no you won't" Mark smiled and pointed at my phone. "Put it away, we're bonding right now" i giggled and nod. Dance can wait.

Can i die happily?

They're married whether people like it or not idc idc 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😇❤️

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They're married whether people like it or not idc idc 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😇❤️

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