Imagine #9 Part III

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YN P.0.V

        "Mom can I finish my food upstairs?" "Yn you know I don't let you eat upstairs." "I know mom its just that the new episode to heroes calapsy is starting in like five minutes and I dont wanna miss it pleaseeeeee." I watched as my mom fiddled with her food."Well i suppose --"

    "Yes!" I quickly ran upstairs before my mother could finish.I shut the door behind me as I walked in my room."Dude what are you doing on my bed?!" I asked as I settled the plate on my dresser."That closet was like a jail cell you couldn't expect me to last in there for a few days." He had a point."Here I got you some food." I handed him the plate then he looked at me with an  "eww look"."What?" I asked."You bit off of it." I gave him the "-.-" look."Dude just eat it.I don't have any disease or anything." He shrugged and dove in.I watched as he ate.He eats like an animal."I know i'm sexy but damn." I rolled my eyes."Whatever floats your boat." I sat on the other side of the bed and grabbed my laptop."What are you doing?" Chresanto asked."None of your beez wax." He put his hands up in surrender."My bad.It was just a question." I let out a big sigh."Im going on wattpad." He took one last bite of his pancake."I've heard of that before.Don't you decorate clothes or whatever?" "No.You write stories." "Cool can I read one of them?" "Are you always this nosey?" "Ehhh." I watched as he sat by me and peeked at my laptop.I moved it away from him."Come on one little peek?" He whined."Whatever." I sat the laptop firmly on my lap and clicked on one of my books."Light of Darkness." He said."Please don't tell me you're emo." I rolled my eyes.He gots to be kidding me."Does it look like im emo?" He looked at me for a minute."You know what don't even answer that." He chuckled.I clicked on chapter one."Why is it a draft?" "Because im not sure about it." I watched as Chresanto started reading.I bit my lip nervously.Im a terrible writer.After about 5 minutes he looked at me with his mouth wide open."I know I know its--" "Amazing." He finished.I slighly smiled."Really?" "Yeah,the details are just right and the storyline so far is incredible." I blushed a little."Noone has told me that before." I looked down."Because they don't understand." I looked up and he smiled.Theres something about his smile and I can't stop staring at it.I guess he thought I was staring at his lips because he leaned in.I hesitated but I leaned in too.Just when our lips were about to crash I heard footsteps."Thats my mom.Hurry!" I watched as he rushed inside the closet shutting the door.My mom quietly opened the door halfway.I smiled."Yes mom?" "Im going to go visit your grandma I'll be back soon." I nodded my head."And don't forget to wash your dish back out." "I won't." She smiled and closed the door.I waited till I heard the front door opened and closed."You can come out now." Chresanto came out and sat on my bed like before.It was pretty quiet since we almost kissed.Why was I about to kiss him? I mean I just met him AND hes homeless."Want to try it again?" I looked at him confused but I know exactly what he meant."T-Try what again?" "Nevermind." I don't know what got over me but I kissed him.YES you read that correctly,I kissed him.His lips were so amazing different.As he was kissing me it felt like his lips was telling me a beautiful story.A story that I don't want to end.
So I uploadeddd!!! Whoop whoop.About time! <3 It was short I know but next chapter is a suprise :)

Chresanto-I love suprises :)

Trinity-Shutup -_-

Chresanto-......See this is why..

Trinity-Why what!

Chresanto-*walks out the room*

Trinity-Babe come back!

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