Imagine #10 [Part IIII] FINAL!

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Tia Compton

           Am I mentally ill? I stared at the paused video clip on the television holding the remote.She was singing the exact same song that was played in the bathroom.She was there."This is crazy." I quietly said to myself."This is too much." I looked down at the remote then up at the TV.Serenity stared back at me with a smile."Why are you doing this?" I asked.I felt stupid asking,but I was fustrated."Why me?" I asked quietly.Silence filled the room as my fustration rise."Why me!" I yelled.Silence again.I dropped the remote and placed my head in my hands.

          "You wouldn't understand." I quickly looked up but no one was there.I know I heard something....a faint voice."What do you mean?" I silently asked.Again no sound,just silence."What do you mean?" I asked louder."You just wouldn't." the voice whispered in my ear.I jumped a little but quickly pulled  myself together."I can try." I whispered back."Im Serenity ....the one in the video and i'm trying to protect you.Chresanto is not who you think he is." "Huh? I don't understand." I stood up and looked around,hoping that I could atleast find her shadow."Like I wouldn't." I heard footsteps and quickly turned around.Again, no one was there."Chresanto and I were married with 2 kids as you can see.We were a happy family until I found out who he really was."

          "Huh?" I asked,still searching for her."He wasn't normal.....he was a physco......he didn't trust me being alone.He thinks I would cheat on him for our family was so perfect he didn't want to fuck it up." I could hear the hurt in her voice."W-What happened?" I asked,not sure if I wanted o hear the answer.Serenity let out a sigh.I saw a light by the corner so I quickly turned around to see Serenity standing there facng down.She looked up as her hazel eyes glared at me and spoke."I was hanging out with my co-worker...... a male.His name was Darion,he was just taking me out for coffee.I wasn't doing anything wrong therefore, my love for Chresanto was strong.We were just talking and laughing about life until it was time to say goodbye so I gave him a friendly hug.What I didn't know was that Chresanto was spying on me." Her light grew dim and her glare grew stronger and her voice got darker."So when I went outside.....he.....he slapped me!" Her light got darker once again but her voice was filled with anger and evil.I was scared but I wasn't going to show it."He slapped me for no fucking reason! And you know what he said to me? Get in the car.And you know what I said to him? Go to hell.I was done with his shit! He dragged me into his car,pulling me by the hair and no one did anything! Just watched like it was just a fucking play!" Her darkness replaced the light and her eyes turned red,staring straight into mines with so much anger and hurt.If only looks could kill.


          Serenity P.0.V

                 We walked in the house and started arguing and yelling up a storm.The kids were at daycare so we didn't stop."You're cheating on me!" he yelled."How many times I got to tell you?! No i'm not!" I walked up the stairs and he followed."You're lying to me!" I turned around and slapped him."Do I have to slap some sense into you Chresanto?!" "You are not going to ruin this family!" He yelled.I stared at him in disbelief."You need help Chresanto." I headed toward the stairs until he grabbed my arm.I turned around and stared at his face.His right eye was twitching and his eyes grew darker.I was scared so I tried to pull away but he was too strong."You are not going to ruin this family." Were the last words he said before pushing me down the stairs.


                    "I broke my neck and........and.....died." She started crying and the darkness disappeared.I stood there and watched her with curiosity."He was sentenced to life in prison therefore, I wasn't the only girl he murdered.He committed suicide 3 years later.That didn't stop him." She looked up at me with worried eyes."He was just a spirit floating around refusing to go to hell untill he possessed his nephew's body striving to start a new family............" My eyes grew wide."W-Where is h-he?" I asked afraid to hear the answer.


               I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my phone and purse.I'm not stayng here any longer.I was infront of the front door ready to turn the handle until I felt a warm prescence behind me.My breathing grew heavy and I started shaking."Where are you going?" a deep voice was Chresanto."U-Uh to my mom's house I left something there." I turned around to face him and he looked into my eyes."Are you lying to me?" He asked,waiting for me to tell the truth."No." Tension filled up the room." Come back soon." He said before softly kissing my lips.Still looking at him I nervously grabbed the knob and turned it.I went out the front door and hurried into my car.I got in, turned it on,and backed out the driveway.He watched me drive away through the window and waved.I drove passed the house and down the street not knowing where I was going.I needed to leave the house to leave him.........for good.I looked through the rear view mirror.I still didn't felt relief......I still felt it wasn't over.

Cause he knew I was lying.

He always knows when i'm lying.

And that's why he was following me.

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