Chapter 1

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I walked into the resturant, taking deep breaths trying to calm the l nerves I've been feeling for a few days now. Revealing this secret to my friends is a huge step and I know I could be hated but I was willing to take that chance, because I trust my friends.

For several years I was too ashamed to admit to myself and other who I really am because I grew up being told it was wrong. I believed it until I started seeing Harry in a different way and then I k ew doing so would get me nowhere since he was my best mate and I was always around him. Liking Harry is not wrong. I might not like liking him but it's not wrong.

I don't really know what will happen particularly today, but I'm hoping it's not as bad as it played out in my head because in my head, my friends would abondon me, hate me and start bullying me.

I got to the table wbere four of my mates were sitting and smiled at them before talking.

"Hey guys" I greeted with a small smile knowing what was about to happen could change my relationship with the boys forever, but I needed to be a little positive.

"Hey Niall" Harry said back with a dimpled grin showing how happy he was. I wanted that smile to last forever on that cute face, he looked so adorable I wanted to pinch his cheeks.

"So can we order? I'm sure you guys don't want me to die of starvation" Louis said as I sat down beside Zayn. I nodded eargerly at Louis' suggestion and picked up the menu, making the boys chuckle at my eagerness.

"Hello, I'm Evelyn and I'll be your waitress today, are you ready to order?" a pretty red-haired waitress asked. I looked at the menu and ordered a chicken burger while the other boys ordered too. As soon as the girl left to get our order Zayn was already commenting on how pretty she looked.

I wish I liked girls, or at least maybe be a girl so I can admire boys without being judged and hated.

Soon she came back with our food and as quickly as she put it on the table, we began digging in, silence falling on  the table and it was then I knew....

It's now or never.

If I had waited longer I would have procastinated telling them and I would regret it later, so I should probably do it now.

I've been putting this off for long enough and although I wasn't a hundread percent ready to come out of the closet, doing so to my friends wouldn't hurt. I trust them to not judge me.

"I have something to tell you guys something" I whispered taking a deep breath, prepping myself for the worst that I knew was to come. I felt trincles of sweat on my forehead and wiped it away, only to feel driness.

My nervousness was getting the best of me. I needed to calm down but that seemed so far away.

"What is it Nialler?" Harry asked, swallowing his delicious looking steak, his eyes boring into my face as he looked at me curiously and I swallowed thickly. I couldn't help but stare a little at his lips, getting in a trace that was hard getting out of.

All the boys' attention was on me now. I was nervous, but I knew I had put this off for a long time now and I needed to get this out of my chest. I trust my friends to support me but you just never know.

"I'm gay" I murmured a little loud and sighed looking down at my food, knowing they were the only thing that wouldn't judge me.

"That's a disgusting joke Niall and it's not funny" Harry's voice sounded, chuckling humorlessly, shaking his head in disapproval. I gasped at his reaction. Sure I expected one of them to hate me but never Harry. I don't know why why I had thought that.

I kept quite, waiting for another hate comment from a different boy, but it never came. I looked up and Harry's eyes looked like they were going to pop out. His face displayed rage and at this moment he scared me.

"Wait you're being serious?" He questioned, crinkling his nose in disgust. It made me hate myself for being who I am. Of all people, I didn't want to disgust Harry.

"Yeah" I whispered looking down once again and Harry looked at me shaking his head once more, his nose still crinkled like there was something or someone smelly among us. Probably my gayness.

I looked at the other boys and Louis was smiling at me goofly like he always did, looking like he already knew, Zayn didn't even look fazed and Liam offered me a polite smile like he always did when he felt sympathetic.

I didn't want sympathy, just Harry's acceptance but his comment proved to me that I would never have that.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out trying to get Harry to forgive me. I really do wish I could change, be straight just so Harry would accept me. His acceptance is one of the most important things to me.

"You better be you filthy homo. Don't you know how wrong it is to what you are? People like you shouldn't exist Niall. You filthy filthy excuse of a human," and with that outburst he left the restaurant leaving me hurt and disappointed.

I felt tears trickle on my face and I subconsciously heard the boys talk about the 'situation', while wiping my tears. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die as I realised I was being hated for being who I am by the person I loved the most.

So there was chapter one. hope you liked it and can I have suggestions for the coming chapters?

Do you think Harry will eventually turn around and stop his hate on gay people?

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