Chapter 2*

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After paying for the dress, she ran out noticing she was late. Her mind raced, hoping her father wasn't home yet. She'd get a good beating for being  late.

Running in she sighed in relief, seeing her father wasn't home. Walking upstairs she took a quick shower and got dressed. Looking in the mirror she almost didnt look like herself. Her makeup and hair was done.

Addy walked downstairs to the  kitchen carefully. It was already hard enough to walk in high heels, let alone downstairs.

Gathering some ingredients, she looked in the cookbook, making chicken Parmesan. Suddenly hearing her father walk in with Mr. Manson, she started to get nervous.

Walking over, she heard her father growl as she stumbled a bit in the high heels. "Good afternoon sir, maybe I could get you something to drink?" Her voice was low and innocent.

Looking at her and he smirks, "I'd like some Whiskey, the whole bottle please..." Addy nods and walks away grabbing a bottle of Whiskey.

He was very handsome, black hair and crystal blue eyes. He had some tattoos and very big muscular. The man looked scary but was nice.. well for now he was.

"That's your daughter?" Mr. Manson asked as watched her wide eyed,  "unfortunately.." her father rolled his eyes huffing.

Mr. Manson watched her, noticing she wouldn't make eye contact. Thinking he smiles softly.

Walking over, she put the bottle on the table, "Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes..." she whispered and keep her head and eyes down.

As she started to walk away, a hand grabbed hers and pulled her back. Addy tensed up as she noticed she was sitting on Mr. Manson lap. Trying to get off she was suddenly pulled back on his lap.

"Let me get a look at you darling.." His crystal blue eyes looked up at her.  Kindness was the only thing found in his eyes.

Smirking he strokes some hair behind her ear. "Mmm, ain't you a pretty thing.."

Heath smirks, seeing Addy uncomfortable. "If you'd like, I have a room upstairs for y'all two.." He chuckles sadistically.

Mr. Manson smirks, "oh do you? Mmm, looks like I'll be seeing if you feel as good as you look.."

Addy whimpers and looks away, closing her eyes tight as he kissed her neck. Her breathing stopped, waiting for what would happen next.

Hearing the oven alarm go off, she looked down scared. "I need to get that.."  Getting off his lap she walks to the kitchen. Pulling the chicken from the oven and draining the noodles.

Making Mr. Manson and her father a plate she sighed and set it in front of them. "Hope y'all like it.." a whisper came from her lips.

Heath starts to eat "Addy, go to your room.." Addy nods softly and walked upstairs scared. Following her he pushed her into the room and slapped her. "I thought I told you to have dinner ready when we got here.. didn't I!"

Addy backs up and nods fast, "yes you did..." Heath growls, "what took you so long to get home! Hm?"

Her voice was shaky, "I had to find a dress and it was raining.. When I got home I had to take a shower.."

Slapping her she fell on the bed, her cheek red again. Pulling his pants down, he pinned her on the bed, crawling on top of her.

"Does it look like I care! If I tell you something, I expect it to be done!" His eyes looking demonic again.

"Please! Dad! Stop!" She cried as he growled, smirking, "you were a naughty girl, and naughty girls need to be punis--" Suddenly a voice was heard.

"That is true, but if I remember correctly. I'm the one who is suppose to be using her tonight.. wouldn't want you to damage her holes before I could.."

Heath smirks, "mm, your right. She all yours.." slapping her ass, he walked out.

Mr. Manson locked the door and started to strip. Walking over he laid back in the bed, "Cmon.. I want to try that pussy out.."

Addy cried silently and crawls on top of him. Her eyes closing tight as he kissed her neck. "Trust me.. I'll get you out of here.."

He looks up at her and grabbed her breast, massaging it. "There's a camera in the corner of your room.. follow my lead.."

Mr. Manson kissed her neck more, nibbling a bit as he acted like he thrusted in her. "Oh god.. your so tight."

Addy blushes, faking a moan. She didn't understand why he was helping her and faking this. Most men would have fucked her.

He growls and puts his hands on her hip, bouncing her on him, "hmm, bounce sweetheart.." he winks.

Addy blushes and bounces, arching her back, moaning. She always practiced to be an actress. Finally those skills were in good use.

He growls and moans, "mmm, I'm going to cum.." he leans up and kisses her deeply, flipping them over he he was on top.

Addy blushes and moans, looking up at the man that was on top of her. Her eyes looked into his, closing her eyes suddenly as they both faked a orgasm.

Mr. Manson got up and put himself away, "till next time bitch.." He slapped her ass and chuckles.

Walking out he laughs as Heath and him walked downstairs. His plan worked, "well seems like I should be going before that little whore tries to beg for more cream pies."

Heath laughs, "mm, guess so.. anytime you in the mood, don't think twice before coming over."

Suddenly Mr. Manson pinned him against the wall. A pistol barrel shoved in his mouth, "your a sorry excuse for a parent.. Addy!"

Addy was in a tank top and some sweatpants. "Would you like to do the honors?"  He smirked.

Addy walks over, grabbing the gun and pulled it out of his mouth and down to his groin, "I want to hear an apology.."

Heath laughs, "your too scared to pull the trigger.." suddenly a gunshot was heard. He screams as she shot his balls off.

"Oh shut up!" She put a bullet in his head. His lifeless body fell to the ground.

Looking behind her stood Mr. Manson. "Why did you help me?" She asked confused.

He looked at her, "a sweet girl like you doesnt deserve this life.." picking her up bridal style, he walked to the car and set her in the passenger seat of a 67' full black Chelleve.

He closed her door after kissing her forehead and got in the drivers seat

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He closed her door after kissing her forehead and got in the drivers seat. Starting up the engine, he smiling, looking over at her.

"Ready for a new life?" He asked.

She looks at him and nods, "yes.." Addy looks out the window smiling softly. She was finally free from that hell hole. This is where her story began, all thanks to a mafia boss.

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